Flames [Day Twenty-seven [2] ]

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What you're about to see happens during the last scene of last chapter. You'll just see the river incident from Zak's POV instead.
Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

My stomach feels sick from the sight of the river alone. Of all the places he could've come back to, Darryl returns here. To the spot where I died, my blood still splattered up the side of the tree.

So they moved my body, but didn't clear away the bloodstains.


"What's that look for?"

I turn to see lily watching me over the top of a book, looking similar to the notebooks. Black cover, with some white designs on the front. There's some cryptic language I don't think exists on Earth across the front, presumably some magic language.

"Oh..." I trail off, returning my attention to the orb. "Darryl's returned to the river." Lily's eyes light up, and she suddenly drops her book and scrambles over to me.

She watches the orb intently, using some magical force thing to readjust our view. We now watch Darryl from behind, seeing more of the river and less of the path leading back to the centre of the city.

"There" she dusts off her hands on her dress, as if they've gathered dust from touching the ball. There's nothing on her hands, but then again, I don't know how this magic stuff works. For all I know, it could be coated in invisible poison or set to blow up when touched.

But what I do know, is that I can't touch it. I tried to a while ago. Days ago? Weeks? I've lost track of time in this void, no way to keep track except seeing the time in these orb visions.

Either way, I tried to touch that orb thing. I wanted a better view, so I tried to adjust the angle, just like Lily did. Upon contact with the ball, my hand hurt. It felt like it was set on fire, and I removed it again instantly after.

My hand looked pretty burnt afterwards, but Lily fixes that up. Turns out she can heal injuries caused by magic. Shame she can't heal deaths caused by them too, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

I'd be back with Darryl, in the real world. I can't help but feel cheated that I'm 'dead' now. My life was unfairly ripped away from me, because some girl loved me so much she died from it. It's crazy, how a stupid crush could cause all of this. She's killed so many people in cold blood.

All for me.

I'm not grateful in the slightest.

If anything it makes me feel worse. To know that innocent people had their lives cut short by me only makes it worse. This wasn't my fault.

I have to keep reminding myself of that, as when I'm left here in silence sometimes, my thoughts start to wonder. Sometimes I do end up blaming myself, but it's not like she was forced to fall in love with me.

Was it?

Soulmates were weird to me. Some people believed in them, others didn't. I was definitely one of those non-believers. What people said about them seemed like a relationship was forced on people, like they had to fall in love. It's not real love to me if it's like that.

But these notebooks work differently. They knew all along that I loved Darryl. I already did before they intervened, they only sped up the process.

Sometimes I wonder if Darryl and I would've ever been together if the notebooks never came. We didn't even know who each other truly were, we may not have even met if it wasn't out of desperation.

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