Day Eleven [2]

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————— 20 days remaining —————Thursday, January 11th, 4:36 pm
Status 1: stage 5 - Watermelon
Status 2: stage 5 - Azure


-Darryl's POV-

I knock on the door one more time, debating if he's even at home to begin with. I could be knocking on the door of an empty apartment at this point.

There's laughing from this direction, so I presume he's at home. Then again, it could just be the noisy couple upstairs.

The door opens with a click, but I'm not met with who I was expecting.

I'm met with a boy slightly shorter and younger than me. He has dark brown hair, with similar coloured-eyes to match. His clothes are completely blue. He holds Patches in his arms, cradling the cat like a child.

The cat doesn't look too impressed.

The cats' owner appears behind the brown-haired boy, his head quite a bit above. There's got to be at least 4 inches height difference between the two. "Oh, Darryl! What brings you here?"

The shorter boy smiles brightly at him. "So you must be Clay's friend right? Nice to meet you!" His voice is laced with a British accent.

Clay stares at the shorter boy, mouth agape for a few seconds. "Hah, funny thing... you two have met before." The brown-haired boy and I have the same reaction.


Our shrieking scares Patches, who jumps out of the boy's arms. One of their claws catches on the boy's arm, digging a nasty scrape through it.

"Oh my god George!" Clay yells, stepping around the shorter to look him in the face. He wraps an arm around the now whimpering boy, who's holding his arm in pain. I don't blame him, the cut looks pretty nasty.

Patches comes to my feet, circling around my legs and meowing. "Darryl come in, and can you please bring Patches with you?"

I was going to come back later as Clay has this 'George' person over, but it seems like he needs my help. "Sure" I reply, carefully picking up patches and carrying her inside with me. That's when I realise why Clay said we've met before.

"Oh my goodness I'm so silly" I mutter, sighing at my own stupidity. "You're GeorgeNotFound aren't you?" The brown-haired boy glances back at me, nodding weakly. "I am, but how do you..."

Clay cuts in, grabbing George's wrist and guiding him over to the kitchen. "That's Badboyhalo you dummy."

George glances back at me, eyes lighting up through the glistening tears. "Oh. Hi Bad, didn't know your name was Darryl." He wipes his tears away frantically, seeming to find some new embarrassment in crying now that he knows who I am.

{Incase anyone's confused, Darryl knew Clay was Dream, and Clay knew Darryl was Bad. They don't use their irl names, and of course with Bad not showing his face, George didn't know his name or what he looked like. Clay and Darryl found out who each other were by accident. Therefore Clay also doesn't know Zak is Skeppy. Also yes there's reference to a bit of Dreamnotfound, but what did you expect with me? 😂 it's not much. Ok? Continuing...}

I take a seat on the couch, placing Patches in my lap and stroking her. Her claws are a little muddy, a bit of blood on one of them. I decide to find a cloth to clean them with while the other two sort George's arm.

Clay drags George over to the sink, grabbing the first aid kit out of a cupboard. "So I was originally going to come by yours later today so you could meet George, but I guess now works too."

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