Day Six

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————— 25 days remaining —————Saturday, January 6th, 5:32 pm
Status 1: stage 3 - Poppy
Status 2: stage 2 - Skye


A few questions before we start...

Anyone understand the numbers thing yet? Zak and Darryl now both have a number two on the same place in their notebooks...
(There's a new detail related to the numbers this chapter so maybe come back to this one.)

What's the countdown for?

Of course the first line of the note at the top is the date and time at the beginning of the chapter, but does the statuses thing make any sense?
- What do they represent?
- What's with the stages? (How many stages do you think there are?...)
- What's does the word at the end mean?

Just some things to think about. I'm interested to see if anyone's caught on yet.
Enjoy. Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

"Dude are you ready to record yet or not?"

He rolls his eyes at me as I ignore him for maybe the fifth time. We had a recording scheduled with Bad for ten minutes ago, but haven't even started because of me.

Vincent sits against the bed, laptop in his lap as he attempts to connect to the WiFi. "Ugh and you complain my internet is bad! What is this?!"

He slams his hand angrily into the keyboard, typing out some random message by accident. I look up from Twitter and snort at his frustration. "French internet is bad Vin, it's not my internet it's your laptop."

Vincent groans, throwing his head back and slamming it into the bed. "Shit!" he yells, bringing a hand up to his head to check it isn't bleeding. "Ouch. I'll get you an ice pack alright?" Another groan, I'll take that as a yes.

I open the door, walking out of my room and into the kitchen. There's an ice pack in the bottom of the fridge, so I grab it and wrap it in a towel. There's a muffled yell from my room. "We can't even contact Bad!" I smile to myself.

Yes, that's the point.

Vincent wants to record in my room with me, so that we can troll Bad together. He's convinced the plan will work better, as we can communicate easier. Apparently that makes the palm more 'foolproof'.

The problem with that is we're recording with Bad, meaning my hanahaki will appear several times as it always does. I can't get through one call with Bad without puking up those stupid flower petals at least twice.

With Vincent in my room, I was left with three options: let Vincent find out about my hanahaki, convince him to move into another room when we record, or stop the recording from happening.

One wasn't happening and two failed. I'm left with three. So I did the only thing I could think off...

I turned the WiFi off.

That way we can't access teamspeak, which means we can't talk to Bad.

Problem solved.

I return to my bedroom with the ice pack. Vincent isn't there, and I realise he's in the main room. Must've snuck out when I was in the kitchen.

When I find him, he's sat in the middle of the floor with the router in his hands, staring straight at me with a look of disgust. "Any reason you turned the WiFi off Zak?" My stomach drops.

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