Day Eleven

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————— 20 days remaining —————Thursday, January 11th, 3:27 pm
Status 1: stage 5 - Watermelon
Status 2: stage 5 - Azure


-Zak's POV-

The messages wouldn't stop coming. Bad would send me one every hour, and every time I'd feel worse. The messages would get progressively worse too, each message getting more and more desperate.

'Skeppy are you ok?' Progressed to 'Please call me, I'm so worried...' In a matter of about 5 messages.

That's only the start of the hourly messages, after he realised spamming wasn't helping. He sent messages like crazy for the first few hours, trying to call me maybe 30 times.

My heart would flare with pain each time my teamspeak would go off. I knew I shouldn't look, but I couldn't help myself.

Eventually I payed the price. I passed out completely after a wave of pain so sharp I couldn't stay conscious. Then proceeded to cry for an hour when I woke up a few minutes later.

I miss Bad. I miss Darryl.

Darryl. He sounded so mad at me yesterday. Understandably, I wore his hoodie out in front of his friends, and ex-roommate!

What was I thinking?!

I hate to admit I'm still wearing that hoodie now. It still vaguely smells of Darryl, which makes it all the more comforting.

The worst part is that I wasn't thinking. It didn't cross my mind once that it'd be weird. It just felt...


Like I was meant to. It's crazy. Completely crazy. We're not a thing, we're not together. He doesn't even like me, and I shouldn't like him.

Shouldn't, but I do.

That's probably why the spirit thing is so mad with me. Hanahaki doesn't work like that. Their words keep returning to my thoughts. The told me I fucked up the system, and that they made the books.

Apparently that apparition made the notebooks to help people. Something along the lines of helping them to confess their love for one another. They said they've been doing it for centuries, and I'm the one to mess it up.

The first one to mess it up. That means there's been more before me. Other people have owned the notebooks, had their names on the front.

What happened to them?

Sadly, I think I can answer that question. They're dead. Either because they passed away after confessing their love, or from not confessing it in the first place.

So there's probably two ways I get rid of the notebooks. Either I fail and die, and the notebook gets passed on to the next victim, or I confess my love, and the notebook disappears.

They're both guesses, as of course, I don't know that for sure. There's no evidence, nobody I can ask to confirm it. For all I know, everyone has failed.

That's probably not true considering the ghost's words, which gives me hope, but I don't know if what they're saying is even true.

So either way, the notebooks get passed onto someone else. The thought of that fills me with guilt, knowing that people after me will suffer.

A thought I had a while ago resurfaces. I wondered before if I could destroy the notebooks, and the answer is no. They're affected by nothing, can't be damaged. Invincible. Which brings me to my second thought.

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