Day Nineteen

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————— 5 days remaining —————
Friday, January 19th, 2:34 pm


-Zak's POV-

I really wish I could've taken a picture of the nurse's face when she came in this morning. They hadn't come in at all yesterday, presumably to let Darryl have time to himself with the effectively 'dead' body before they unplugged the life support.

So you can imagine the shock when the seemingly dead body is alive and breathing, chatting to their boyfriend like nothing even happened.

Besides the cut on my head, I was unscathed. The impact caused by the fall from my desk to the floor wasn't that great, my head only bleeding due to it catching my bed on the way down.

That's not even what knocked me unconscious. The sharp and sudden pain in my heart did, causing me to fall out of my chair and collapse.

All because you couldn't deal with your stupid feelings...

Darryl and I decided to let them believe it was my head. Telling them how cursed notebooks make me throw up flowers and are going to kill me in five days seems like a one way trip to staying here for a while.

They'll definitely think I have brain damage, or that I'm concussed. 

Neither of which is going to help. I've only got five days, and being trapped here for the next week will mean there may actually be a corpse in this bed by the end of it.

Where do I even start? How the fuck am I supposed to find two notebooks that have just 'disappeared' in five days?!

"Zak are you alright?" I glance over at my boyfriend. He's throwing the spare clothes into a rucksack, making sure to fold each one correctly.

Only he would do that.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Can we go yet?" Darryl rolls his eyes, grabbing some of my possessions from the table beside me and packing them away. "The nurse said she's coming back to do a final examination. Then we can leave."

"How long will that be?"

The older boy rolls up his sleeve, glancing at his watch. "Well she said she'll be an hour, and she left like a half hour ago. So a half hour?"

I groan loudly, grabbing the pillow from under me and holding it over my face. "This is taking FOREVER."

I drag out the last word, throwing the pillow in front of me. Darryl picks it up, placing it back behind my head. "Just... be patient alright? It won't be long."

Easy for you to say. You're not the one dying in five days time.

"Can I at least get up...." I swing my legs over the side of the bed, pushing off with my hands. My feet hit the floor, knees immediately buckling.

Darryl lunges forward, catching me under my arms before I fall. "You muffin! What did they tell you?! NO getting up yet!"

He lowers me to the floor gently, smirking a little as I pout childishly. I lay against the bed as he removes his arms, adjusting them so he can pick me up. He carries me bridal style, laying me gently back on the stupid bed I've been in for almost a week.

"Darryl..." I mutter quietly.

"Yes little muffin?"

"Ever feel like the world is against you?"

Darryl freezes, holding the headphones he was about to pack. He instead sets them back down on the table, turning to face me. There's a soft glint in his eyes, almost like...

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