Day Sixteen

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————— 15 days remaining —————
Tuesday, January 16th, 10:47 pm


Chapters are back to normal now.
Enjoy. Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Darryl's POV-

"C'mon Darryl! Lighten up a bit." Clay nudges my arm, smiling sadly. "You haven't smiled once since we came here" George adds, watching me with nervous eyes from behind Clay.

Both boys look out to the serene, blue waters, watching the small wasp lap at the shoreline of the beach. "It's pretty isn't it?" Clay asks, tugging my sleeve to get my attention. All I can do is nod.

George seems mesmerised by the sea. Clay notices, elbowing George in the stomach and wheezing. "You never seen the sea before Georgie?" he asks jokingly.

The shorter boy rolls his eyes, pushing Dream away with one hand. "Yes I've seen the sea before you dumbass, just not that often. London is pretty landlocked alright. The sea is so far away!" He folds his arms, huffing childishly.

I look away, forcing myself to focus on something, anything except George and my thoughts. The way he pours like a child just reminds me of Zak.

Oh goodness Zak...

It's been four days since the accident. He's been unconscious the entire time. Never once moving, showing any sights of life besides breathing.

The nurses think he's in a coma. Not one of them is convinced otherwise, none with even the slightest bit of hope he'll ever return. That's what they told me.

They told me they'd try. They'd try get him back, try everything they could. On the second day, they told me he was past saving. Nothing would work.


One of the nurses tried to tell me this calmly. They'd deemed him too far gone to save the day before, but couldn't tell me after one of the nurses reported seeing me cry beside him for an hour.

It was much longer than an hour.

They left the life support in, deciding they couldn't pull it before I said goodbye. I wouldn't let them do it. Now the people at the hospital practically hate me, but I don't care.

I screamed when they told me they'd come to take the life support away. Screamed and threw my arms over Zak, not letting any of them near enough to take the wires from his arm. They think he's gone, that he'll never return.

They're wrong.

He will return. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. Maybe I just can't accept the fact they're probably right, hanging on to the last thread of hope that the Zak I love is still in there. He can't be gone.

He can't be.

"Uh... earth to Darryl? Hello?" Clay snaps his fingers in front of my face, dragging me out of my daze. "Bad? Hello!" he yells again after I don't answer. "What? Yes, I'm here." The blonde boy sighs deeply, placing a hand on my shoulder in an attempt of comfort. He's not very good at comforting me.

But he's amazing at comforting George, he knows just how to. People are like that though. There's always this one person you just click with, some special bond that allows you to understand them better. It's strange.

Normally people would claim it's chemistry, but it's not always a love interest. Some people have that bond with others, like their best friend. Which is exactly what Clay and George would testify if I asked.

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