Day Twenty-four

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————— 1 hour remaining —————Wednesday, January 24th, 11:00 pm


As there's two Georges, I'm referring to them differently. Spifey is Geo, like his channel name, and GeorgeNotFound is still George. Just to save confusion.
Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

"So how long do we have left exactly?"

The group watch me with nervous eyes, as if I'll explode any moment. We've decided to meet up, having searched almost every area of the city. Before me stands most of my friends, trying their very best to stay calm.

I check my watch, alarmed at the time that appears. 11pm. It's dark out, the park in which we've congregated cast in a dark shadow. There's a few streetlights footed around, lining the edge of the path. The area of to the side in which we're stood id under one of those lights, huddled closely together so we can see one another.

I take a deep breath, scrunching up my eyes and sighing. After allowing myself a few seconds, I turn to the group before me and attempt to plaster on my stereotypical smirk. "An hour."

I'm met with silence, causing me to fill the dense air. "There's still time. That's pretty good isn't it?"

Dave walks over to me, clasping my shoulder with his hand. "Skep, you don't need to pretend. You've always been bad at acting." No response from the group, just a few curt nods. Geo looks around. "Speaking of Bad, where is he?"

I turn my head in the direction of the parking lot, view blocked by the dense amount of trees. My boyfriend is nowhere in sight. "He went back to the car to grab something" I reply, trying my best to keep my voice steady. 

"Do you not think someone should go look for him?" Clay asks quietly. The dirty blonde looks hollow, once bright eyes sucked of their natural green glow. Clinging to him is George, arms wrapped tightly around his boyfriend's waist. Turns out Clay confessed.

At least one love story is ending happily...

George looks on the verge of tears, watching me intently. He's trying his best not to cry, but I can tell he's almost at his limit.

Harvey looks from George to me, noticing the drop in tone. The atmosphere is clogged, sadness hanging high in the air. "Is there anywhere else you can think of Z?" He tries to use our old roommate names, hoping it'll lighten the mood. Harvey has always been like that.

"Can't think of anywhere Harv..." I glance up at the sky, as if hoping it'll help me. There's nothing left to do. We've searched everywhere. From the first place I had them to the last, and everywhere in between.

It isn't fair.

Nothing is. It never has been. Just because of some notebooks. Lily loved me. Even after how I treated her, she loved me. She changed for me, tried to become some person she isn't.

Wasn't, she's dead. She's dead because of me. I killed her, I'm a murderer. The first ever case of those notebooks, caused by me. Her love for me was so strong it caused the notebooks to come alive. She didn't make them at all, she merely activated them.

They killed her, all because of me. They almost killed Darryl too. I've almost killed two people. I did kill one of them.

A fourteen year old girl. It's almost funny how it's fourteen. Maybe it was meant to be that way, just to remind me of my fuck up I didn't even know about.

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