From The Void [Day Twenty-five]

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I'm still putting the days even though the timer has run out, just to keep consistency.
But you'll notice the deadline is gone.
Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

"We meet again."

The girl stands before me, chestnut eyes watching intently. She pushes her blonde hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind her ear as she looks me up and down. "You seem alright actually. Well, the blood is a bit messy, but other than that it's okay."

All I can do is stare, using all of my willpower not to strangle her. Of course I couldn't just die peacefully, I've got to meet with her again first. Insult to injury, at this point.

She picks at her nails, expecting a greeting I refuse to give. "Good morning to you too..." she mutters irritably, picking at her cuticles. "Welcome to purgatory."

'Purgatory' isn't exactly the most interesting of places. It's just a void, like the empty pit at the bottom of a Minecraft world. Almost like a black hole, dark and seemingly endless in every direction. You could easily get lost in here, nothing to depict exactly where you are.

"Delightful..." I return bitterly, getting to my feet and looking into the abyss. "Ghost girl... demon girl..."

"Annabelle" she corrects.

"Ah yes, Annabelle. Or should I call you Lily?"

Shock registers in her eyes for a few seconds. They swiftly narrow again, her usual displeasured look returning to her features. "So that's what the notebooks showed you. Interesting."

We stand in awkward silence for a few minutes, glaring at each other with a deep instilled hatred. Lily is the first to speak. "Whatever. You could've at least said thanks..."

I almost laugh at her words. "Thank you? You're the reason I'm now dead!" I screech shrilly. "You're the reason I choked up those fucking flowers!"

She lets me yell, watching me with distaste. "Why I'll never see my sister again! Why I'll never talk to my friends again! Why I'll never kiss my boyfriend again!"

She cringes at the mention of 'boyfriend', trying her best to hide it from me. "What are you homophobic or something?" I spit, knowing that's wrong.

"Wait what no!"

"Then what?"

Anger flames in her eyes, not literally this time. Lily seems human here, taking on the form of an actual person instead of the ghost-like apparition thing she used to be.

"You know damn well what." Her eyes drop to the floor, flames extinguished by embarrassment. She must know that I've figured it out. There's hurt in her eyes, wide and emotional. A look that could drag sympathy out of anyone, except that you can't be sympathetic for a girl who may as well be an actual demon.

"So are you explaining this or am I?" I walk across the somehow invisible floor that I didn't even notice was here until now, stopping a few feet away from her. She can't match my gaze, her usual cockiness sapped away.

"I uh-"

"You what? Spit it out. The sooner I can actually die the better. Dying is better than being here with you."

Those last words break her, eyes wide and terrified. She sits on the floor, somehow managing to pale even more than her already ghostly complexion. Her legs come up to her chest, and she holds them, rocking back and forth. It's like watching someone have a panic attack, one of the worst kind too.

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