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—Arrow Dimension—

The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu, it's Mandrain for purgatory...

I've been stranded here for 5 years...

I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then, for five years

I've had only one thought, one goal...survive

Survive & one day, return home

The island held many dangers...

To live, I had to make myself more than what I was

To forge myself into a weapon

I am returning...

Not as the boy who was ship wrecked

But the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city

My Oliver Queen

~~~Some years later~~~

To bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. I became the vigilante known as The Arrow, but then soon changed to Green Arrow.

At first I went solo, to protect those close to me, but that didn't last very long.

I knew I wouldn't have been able to do it alone all the time, so when I saw Diggle get injured I knew it was time he found out...

The base I used as a headquarters, is hidden in my deceased dad's old factory no one goes to. It's now known as the Foundry, but Felicity calls it the 'Arrow Cave'.

Dig was poisoned, so I brought him to my hideout. I wanted him to join me, and at first he declined. Eventually...he accepted.

Along the way our 'Team Arrow' crew grew. We got Felicity to join us after she found me waiting in her car for her, as the Arrow. She, along with the help of Dig, helped me stay alive, with all the crime fighting I do.

We got Roy to join us after seeing his amazing meta human skills, and archery. Besides that, he was on my case for awhile, trying to figure out my identity. My sister, Thea, joined us some time after knowing my identity for a long time. She joined after Roy left, faking his death for my sake as the Vigilante.

Felicity and I would later meet Barry. Who would turn into the Flash, after getting struck by a lightning bolt, and being in a coma for almost nine months.

Other than that, plus me having served my time in prison after revealing my identity as The Arrow or The Vigilante. My life in complete hell hasn't been the greatest.

But, I have my friends with me, and so that's what counts. Everything was just fine until the one day came...

—Standard Dimension—

It was 6 years ago, before the destruction of our worlds were at stake.

I found something I never should have...

But in the progress, I found a friend, whose world was in need of help.

I took it, and helped them out, not realizing just how big the threat was.

Moreover would grow to be...

My friend soon became known as Everest Flare. Our goal, to save our dimensions from the brick of destruction...

My name is Delta Burlington...

~~~some years later~~~

We saved both her dimension & mine from the incident we called 'The Dimensions Invasion'.

Thanks to some friends' help along the way, Lizzy, Alain, Carlos, Samantha, Ray, Lexi, Andrew, & Andrae, Everest decided to make the DJs, short for The Dimension Jumpers/The Dimension Jumper Squad. In honor of the original DJs her mother & father created, before their disappearance.

That group grew as time went on, and our original group, the Mini DJs, lost contact with each other after a while.

Whenever I travel through dimensions my whole appearance changes. I have white skin, red hair and crimson eyes...

Let's redo introductions...

My name is Flames Flare.

    Everest & I made clones with free wills of their own. Blair, Glisce, Winter, Blaze who used to be called Flair, Sophia & Drake who have half of Everest's & my powers, finally Astro & Star who are our evil counterparts, as we call them. All of us are family to one another in the Flare household. Together we form FlamesFlaringEverest 100% form & power. We never use it unless needed, it takes a lot out of all of us.

Throughout our adventure we made many new friends and aliens along the way. Many more invasions happened, friends betrayed us...the usual.

We also happened to have become known throughout many dimensions as The DJs, Guardians of the Dimensions.

Recently we ended the last invasion. Now we're hoping to say goodbye and close the portals, move on with life.
Unfortunately that didn't happen, because of one particular day...
To Be Continued...

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