Chapter 6: Oliver Queen & Green Arrow

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—Arrow Dimension—

Flames's POV

    I woke up in a giant king size bed and looked around my surroundings. I was definitely not in my dimension, and for all I know I'm probably stuck here. If I'm correct I haven't been able to use my powers, Demonic isn't here for some reason, and whatever caused this must've been from the dimension merge that happened. Who, how and why? Are my big baddies when it comes to questions...oh and how I remember what happened. Usually these things will make one's mind go into shock. Yet I still can't remember how I ended up where I was in that lab.

"Oliver! It's time to go!" I heard someone yell beyond the door

I stayed quiet as a phone nearby vibrated. On the cell it had 'Felicity' on screen, with a picture of the glasses girl I remember seeing when I woke up in that base.

"Felicity huh? Where have I heard that name before," I wondered, as I accidentally clicked hang up

"Oliver! We're going to be late!" that same person called

I got up and changed, only to see a reflection of someone, who was not Delta or Flames, in the mirror.

I was still a teen boy, well, more like a man, and I had lots of scars on me, and some tattoos. Anyway I chose to wear formal clothes, guessing this guy is some celebrity or something, so after I did that I went downstairs. Still confused as heck about everything.

"Oliver, there you are, come on man, it's not like you to be late," a dark skinned male greeted

"Oliver?" I questioned

"Oliver?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Uh, sorry about that, I...slept in?" I responded, questioning myself

I wasn't too sure myself what to say. He gave me a suspicious look, and then shook it off, leading me to a limo. Man so this guy was rich or some celebrity...great. We left the mansion and headed towards a building that had 'Queen Inter price' on the top for a logo. Queen, that's right, I remember hearing that name, and. seeing it on a building before ending up in that base. Then, that means, I'm Oliver Queen...oh boy. Wait, that's what happened! My dimension merged with Oliver's and now we probably switched bodies...somehow. Whatever, better figure out just how bad this situation is.

When we headed inside the man opened the door and followed me in. Once we were at the top floor which was my office apparently he told me all that was going on.

Before I went to work I asked, "May I be alone for awhile?" To the man

He rose his eye brow, before muttering something I couldn't hear and leaving. I sighed once he was gone, looking at the city below.

"How the heck did I get in this mess...," I mentally facepalmed myself, putting my hands on my head struggling

"Let's see if I have any powers," I tested my robotic function, as I'd call it

When I touched my right side of my eye, closest to my ear. Nothing happened...well that was bad.

"No powers whatsoever...great," I sarcastically sighed

The door opened and the dark skinned man came in again telling me I should get to the paper work. Well this is great, I'm a business man now, and I have no idea what to do.

"If I, what's your name again? And why do you follow me?" I idiotically asked

Once again I got the eye brow raise but he answered with, "My name, Oliver, is John Diggle, you call me Diggle, or Dig. I was assigned as your bodyguard not long after you arrived back from the island you were stuck on five years,"

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