Chapter 5: Delta Burlington & Flames Flare

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—Standard Dimension—

Oliver's POV

    I woke up in a queen bed, and looked around the room.

"Man did I have a strange dream or seems whatever happened...wasn't a total lie," I quoted to myself

The room I was in seemed to be a guy's room. Some posters on the wall, paintings near the bed, and a big mirror straight ahead. As I looked into the mirror, I was definitely in a nightmare... In the mirror, it didn't show me...Oliver Queen, Green Arrow. It showed about a sixteen or some high school boy, black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.

"You aren't completely wrong, but you aren't right," I voice in my head started

"Demonic?" I questioned

"Yes, it's me, Oliver this is Flames's form when he's in his dimension. You're in his dimension called the Standard Dimension. We left Everest's dimension called the Ultra Dimension. That was the girl who was calling your name, the girl who fell after you rejected her out of your mind. Right now I'm going to take control, show you around, and right now we go by the name Delta Burlington...," Demonic explained

"Alright then...lead the way," I insisted, not bothering to fight this one

Demonic's POV

    We headed downstairs to get something to eat as Flames's mother greeted her. Good thing School is out for the Summer, so no school, that'd be a pain.

"Good morning Delta!" She greeted

"Morning," I greeted back

"Mother?" Queen asked

"Yep," I answered

After getting loose from his mother's death hug and getting breakfast we got ready for the day and went outside to ride our bike.

"So, a big neighborhood," Queen saw

"Yeah, if you have any questions, or a lot I suggest you tell them all now," I suggested

"Alright...first off, how the heck did this happen? And does that mean your friend is me at my place?" He asked

"It's very likely, how this happened...must've been from the dimension merge. If I'm correct I believe it was your dimension that merged with his, during the time he was Flames, and you just left your cell after we found out," I explained

"Cell? That was him?" He questioned

"Yep," I answered

"Okay second question. Why was Flames chained up so much in his cell unlike me, and what are his powers?" He continued

"Flames was chained up so much because of his powers. As for what his powers are. You'll find out later," I quoted

"Can I use his powers as Delta?" He went on

I tried to the best of my ability mentally shaking my head, "No, but during the night as Flames you'll see his secondary life,"

"Alright then, we should head back. It's almost midnight," he suggested

I hadn't even realized it was so late, but it's no surprise when you sleep till like 12 pm. We headed back, had dinner, took a shower, got ready for bed, and 'went to bed'.

Once his mom left the room, we waited some seconds before knowing she wouldn't be back. I closed my eyes, focusing on leaving this body, and brought Queen along with me.

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