Chapter 11: A Dual-Way Battle

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—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

After the bright light happened, I opened my eyes, looking at my surroundings. Diggle, Roy, Thea, Felicity, Barry, HR, Cisco, and Caitlin were on the ground exhausted. When I looked down at myself, I smiled mentally. I was back, and I wasn't alone.

"Green Arrow! Behind you!"

—Standard Dimension—

Delta's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, looking up at blue skies. That's when I heard some gasps. I turned around to see Blaze, Blair, Astro, Drake, Sophia, Everest, Glisce, Winter and Star on the ground.

"Guys!" I called

"Flames! Behind you!" Demonic warned

I turned around, dodging an arrow headed my way. I caught it, thanks to quick reflexes from my powers, and broke it on my leg.

"Flames! You're back!" Everest exclaimed

"I am, and I'm not going anywhere," I told her

—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

I quickly caught a dagger headed my way, and threw it back at the guy in the black mask. Grabbing my bow attached to my suit, as well as an arrow, getting ready to shoot.

"Don't you dare think about moving," I warned as the guy just stared at me

"Green Arrow! You're back!" Felicity exclaimed

"I don't plan on leaving anytime soon," I nodded back, staring the guy, in the mask, down

"Dang it! We were too late... fall back!" The guy in the mask called through his comm

Then he left, leaving smoke in the way of me trying to chase him. I got everyone up, making sure they were okay as we tended to their injuries.

—Standard Dimension—

Delta's POV

    Our masked man just left, and I made sure everyone was alright.

"We'll be fine, super healing remember?" Everest laughed as I helped her up

"Right, whatever. Let's see if we can communicate to Oliver and the others, tell them we're alright," I replied back

I touched the, far out, right side of my eye, realizing the thing had been on the whole time. I touched it again turning it back on, and contacting Oliver through his comm. It took a while before I heard him pick up.

"Hello?" He questioned

"Oliver, it's Flames. It worked! We're doing just fine, patching each other up," I greeted

"How are you guys over there?"  I asked

"We're all alright over here," he answered

"What now? I doubt those guys left for good, whoever they were," I wondered

"We aren't sure, but you better keep your guard up. Whatever happens ne—" Oliver cut off

"Oliver? Oliver!" I shouted

"What happened?" Eve asked

I sighed, "Lost contact, I think someone attacked them,"

"Well, they aren't the only ones," someone laughed behind us


—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

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