Chapter 2: Unnatural Disturbances

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—Standard Dimension—

Delta's POV

    "Flames, watch out!" Demonic warned

I just barley dodged the incoming strike at me, before crashing down off my bike near on sidewalk. Luckily I was under a tree, so no one saw my crash.

"Little warning could be helpful," I sarcastically complained, getting up quickly as they got closer

"Oh shut it...," he snarled back

I sighed mumbling to myself, "Business like usual...what's their deal?"

"Not sure, you do something stupid again to irritate them?" Demonic complained

"Doubt it, I don't even know them, strange enough they can actually hit me...," I argued

I got back on my bike and rode out of the small circle we were in quickly. The guys were right behind me, almost trapping me in that small circle. Good thing I'm a fast rider.

Demonic heavily sighed, noting we should circle around the neighborhood for a while. I agreed, no way they're following me to my house. It's a good thing my neighborhood was a big one with some mini circles here and there. I knew my way around so I wouldn't get lost, but these guys might.

I brought up my robotic-like tech on my right side eye, dialing Everest. She came up to view, and from behind her she seemed to be having the same amount of luck like me.

"What is it Flames? Kinda busy here!" She questioned irritated

I sighed, "The deal is that I'm busy here too! They can hurt me, as Delta! I can't go home or they'll make it look weird knowing my family knows none of this. I can't keep circling within my neighborhood, either, without them finding a pattern...ideas?" I explained

"Remember that  one mini neighborhood we used to trap and bring back that one creature with?" She asked, I nodded my head riding as fast as I could

"I'm heading up close to it," I replied

"We'll meet you there soon, be ready," with that she hung up

I turned the corner waiting for her and whoever was with her.

"No where to go now kid," one of the men laughed as they cornered me

"I wouldn't be to sure," I calmly quoted

As if on cue, a portal opened above them and more of their men fell on top of them. Leaving them all unconscious, as Everest and the other Flared emerged from the portal.

"Flames!" Sophia called as she came and hugged me

Unfortunately, for my situation, I would've hugged her back, but since no one can see these guys I didn't. It'd just look like I was hugging the air, just like how it looked as if I was staring at nothing.

"So how've you been?" Sophia asked trying to start up a conversation

I sighed, "Can we not...I really need to go home now,"

"Thanks for the help though," I added, and with that I, rode back home, leaving the nine behind

Once I got home I had dinner, took a shower, and went to bed.

~~~the next day~~~

    Next morning was like any other morning...or so I thought. It started out like any other day, until the news came on.

"This is Breaking News! The morning weather forecast seems to be disturbed by an unnatural force... Right now it seems it's fine, but at about 2:30 exactly it'll change into a down pour of rain, maybe some hail, and a nasty possibility of a hurricane forming from that rain...this is Katie Lilac signing off until 2:30...," the news reporter announced

"That just sounds dumb, there's no way that's possible," I heard my dad comment

"Agreed," my mother agreed

"Demonic...," I started complaining

"Don't even Flames, we know that during the time if it really happens, a portal will form...," Demonic sighed irritated

I sighed heavily, trying not to be too noticeable. Luckily I wasn't and I headed upstairs to my room, and contacted Everest.

"Well that'll sure bring some trouble...I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, Flames," Everest assured

"Maybe, but if it's those same guys again from yesterday I'm powerless against them. At least not without making a dumb scene of me punching and kicking air or reacting to nothing hitting me. Oh and some of my powers not even working here," I sarcastically put

"You'll figure out something Flames, you always do," she smiled, "I have to go now, see ya," then she hung up

I sighed again, " Great...," I mumbled

It's not like this was t any unusual occurrence but it did get dumb. Besides, it's a pain having to help people getting stuck in my dimension. It's fun to meet new people, but there's only so much one can handle at a time.

~~~time skip~~~

It wasn't long before 2:30 hit, and what the reporters on the news said was true. It started hailing and the wind picked up, likely making a hurricane somewhere.

"Flames...something's should! Switch as Flames, now!" Demonic warned

After I did so I didn't hear or see anyone behind me, and I blacked out.
To Be Continued...

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