Chapter 10: Fixing Flames & Oliver, Unwanted Guests

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—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

    "A dimension merge," Everest answered

"If we're correct, that this all was from the dimension merge, then," she continued

"We fix it with a dimension merge?" Flames finished

She nodded again, "Yes, but it will be hard. That is, unless any of you have any other ideas," she quoted

"I may have an idea, but...I'm not sure it'll be very good," Barry spoke up

We all looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

"I could go back in tim-"

"No, Barry. It won't work. It was a dimension merge, you can't just go back in time when they merged. Merging can't be repeated again, it happens and that's it," Flames interjected as Barry was explaining his idea

Barry sighed and looked down. We all stayed quiet until I had an idea.

"The places," I mumbled

"What was that Oliver?" Felicity asked

"The places? The trampoline and wherever Flames was during the time! I think I know where you're going with this!" Everest lightened up

"You heard that?" Felicity questioned him

Everest pointed to her ear, "Super hearing, we all heard it," motioning to the Flares

They all nodded, but were still confused.

"What she means is that, when the dimension merge happened, I saw this bright light. I was in Flames's dimension during the time, and I saw this bright light. The light was near someone's backyard and near the trampoline. Once I was close enough to it I blacked out, that's when I woke up as Flames," I explained

"And that's what caused them to switch, Felicity, right? Where did you find Flames as Oliver after the the light?" Everest asked

Before Felicity answered Flames answered for her, "I was outside the Arrow Cave, where it said 'Queen Industries'. Like Oliver, there was a light there too, then I blacked out,"

After that, everyone started to realize where we were getting at. I had Felicity, with the help of Cisco, look up when power energy levels were unstable.

"Although dimension merges can't be tracked back nor repeated, the uneven and unstable energy can be! Dimension merges cause unstable energy to be released!" Flames understood what Everest was getting at

While those two looked at that, I had Everest check with the Flares to see if it's possible for us to leave. If we can leave my dimension, and head over to Flames's, when he's Delta. If we can do that, we can try to go to the spots where we saw the light, and hope something happens.

"I got it! It seemed to have happened before 3pm hit, from what I've seen," Felicity informed us

I looked at the time, and it was just turning two. Everest looked at me and nodded her head.

"Then let's go, Flames go upstairs outside where you were before we swapped. I'll go with the Flares to your dimension as Delta and do the same," I ordered

"Then we'll just have to wait for 3:00 to hit once you arrive," Flames figured as we nodded heads

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's do this!" Blaze commented

—Standard Dimension—

Everest teleported all of the Flares out, and next thing I know I'm Delta, in Flames's dimension.

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