Chapter 7: Something's Wrong

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—Arrow Dimension—

Flames's POV

I could hear voices nearby, but they were still faded out a bit as I came back to my senses. When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was an annoying white light, and then brown eyes, spread with sorrow and worry.

"Barry Allen, this is the Flash...," I realized

"Hey, he's awake," Barry told the others as Diggle, and some other people came over to me

"Hey, Oliver, how do you feel?" Diggle asked

"Like I got pushed into a wall then frozen by Eve...," I unconsciously answered, only to widen my eyes realizing what I said

Diggle gave me his eye brow raise again and told me I wasn't wrong, everything but the freezing part, and Eve. I looked around my surroundings seeing a crowd of people nearby. Then realized I was shirtless, as I grabbed my top nearby, still in the Green Arrow outfit. That's when I felt something happening to my body, more of my mind. I couldn't tell what it was, but I ignored it for now.

"Oliver, I don't know what you meant by getting frozen by this Eve person, whoever that is, but I need to ask you if you remember what happened," Felicity explained

I thought for a moment what really did happen before telling them, "I'm fine Felicity...there's nothing to worry about,"

I knew that was a complete lie, they probably did too, but I didn't need them worrying. They're just like the Flares, always worried for each other, and me. Felicity gave me an angry stare, saying I'm obviously not fine, but I shrugged her off.

"I need to get some air," I sighed after leaving the crowd

As I was leaving, I noticed Barry's eyes saying 'something isn't right' . Roy and Diggle looking at me, then Felicity. Then some other people looking at each other and then my direction, but I was out of their sight by then.

I went up and found myself on some building. After I grabbed the bow and arrow, and zip lined over, that is. When I looked down at the city, it reminded me of when I'd do things like this in another dimension.

Not exactly being a vigilante, or a some superhero, but just staring down at the curry below. I'd dangle my feet on the edge of the building, knowing people wouldn't see. Then, I get bored out of my mind.
Right now, I just looked down at the city below.

I sighed, "If only things could always be like this, no crime fighting, or blood spread, just happiness,"

I'm always needing to remind myself I chose this life. Remembering that if I didn't, none of this would be here, I wouldn't be here. Neither would've Eve it the other Flares.

I was so lost in thought I didn't hear Barry come up the building I was on.

"I just want life to go back to its boring old way. Leave crime fighting in the past," I sighed again

"Oliver...," I heard someone say as I turned around shocked, my bow and arrow ready to shoot

"Whoa whoa whoa, hey hey hey! It's me! The Flash, Barry Allen," the man in the crimson suit with a lightning bolt quickly interrupted

I kept the bow up, arrow locked and loaded, but didn't shoot. He stood there, slowly walking towards me, before stopping. He had a comm in, and he was talking into it, I'm guessing the Arrow & Flash team. I saw him nod his head as he came over to me, and I lowered the bow.

I just stood there, then ignored him as I looked back down at the city. Lights all over, cars honking, driving fast.

Then I felt a hand, "Hey, are you alright?" It was Barry

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