Chapter 8: Finding 'Oliver' & Containing 'Green Arrow'

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—Arrow Dimension—

Everest's POV

    When all the Flares and I were teleported, a girl with brown hair & blonde highlights begged us to help them.

As I looked around we were at some base, arrows set across a table. A bow being held on pedal-stool with a mannequin nearby. There were lots of people around us, and before I could say anything 'Flames' spoke up.

"We will, because your friend and I need to talk," he answered

The brown haired girl raised an eye brow at him, but nodded her head, after seeing me and the other Flares nod our heads.

"Where is your friend right now?" I asked trying to somehow lighten the tense atmosphere

"We aren't sure, he left and took off in the night, Ba-Flash over here told us he should be alone," the girl informed us

"It's fine Felicity, I already know Barry Allen is the Flash, and how your friend is Oliver Queen, he's the Arrow, Green Arrow now," 'Flames' explained

I should just call him Oliver when we're alone, or like now. The girl known as Felicity gasped, as did many others in the room.

"Well, now that that's been said, let's do quick introductions, I'll start. I'm Everest Flare, but my Flames call me Eve," I introduced, gesturing to Sophia to go next, ignoring the confused looks I got with my last bit

"I'm Sophia Flare, I'm a counterpart of Everest & Flames, mostly Everest. Basically a clone, nevertheless with a free will, like the other Flares,"

"I'm Drake Flare, I'm the counterparts of Flames & Everest too, mostly Flames, along with Sophia and the rest here. I too have a free willed mind,"

"Hey, I'm Blaze Flare, I used to go by Flair Flare, as in F-L-A-I-R then F-L-A-R-E, but I changed to Blaze, too confusing. As you could guess I'm Flames counterpart, and only Flames, free willed too,"

"I'm Winter Flare, counterpart of Everest, and only Everest, free willed and everything,"

"My turn! I'm Blair Flare, counterpart of Flames, free willed and usually the happy energetic one of the group with Glisce,"

"Like Blair said, I'm Glisce Flare and we're usually the energetic people of the Flares, brightening the mood, counterpart of Everest, free willed,"

"I'm Astro Flare, I'm an Evil counterpart of Flames, made to balance darkness and light in Flames, free willed after he freed me from my dark path,"

"Star Flare, Evil counterpart of Everest, made for the same reason as Astro, we chose our names after being freed from our dark paths and being free willed," they all introduced

Everyone in the room was silent before I spoke up.

"Together we're the Flares, Flames too, but he isn't here right now...mentally, physically yes, but mentally it's your friend Oliver Queen, the Arrow, Green Arrow," I tried explaining, they gave me confused looks

I looked at Oliver to explain it, and he sighed.

"Basically Flames & I somehow switched minds, but we need to find Flames before he hurts anyone," he explained, they nodded their heads quickly doing their introductions

"I'm John Diggle, but you can call me Diggle, or Dig. I'm also known as Spartan when I help out Green Arrow and his crew,"

"Felicity Smoak, the tech genius for Team Arrow as I'd like to call us,"

"I'm Roy Harper, Arsenal, Green Arrow's sidekick, a helper like Spartan,"

"I'm Speedy, Thea Queen, Oliver's sister and his other helper,"

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