Chapter 12: Goodbyes

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—Standard Dimension—

Delta's POV

    After all the other Flares woke up, we headed back to my dimension and kept a portal open to say goodbye to the others.

"I know it wasn't for too long, but I'll miss you all" Dig commented

"We'll miss you all too" I replied

"I'm not very good at goodbyes, but goodbye Flames, to all of you. Thanks for helping Oliver out" Felicity waved

"No, thank you all for helping Flames, even when you thought he was Oliver" Eve thanked

"It was no problem, and I'm sure they both will have some fun stories to tell" Felicity smirked while saying this, earning a kind glare from Oliver

We all laughed at this, and said our final goodbyes. Once the portal closed I said goodbye to the Flares and got on with my life as Delta Burlington...

—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

    Once we said our goodbyes to Flames and his gang, we then did our farewells to Barry and his team. After that, because it was getting late, I stayed in my arrow gear with Roy and Thea and we went out for patrol. Everything was back to normal, or almost normal.
To Be Continued...

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