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—Arrow Dimension—

After everything went down, the three teams said goodbye, and Team Arrow & Flash split up too. Everything went back to how it should be, Green Arrow putting arrows in his enemies, and stopping them. While Barry super sped his baddies to prison, or the pipeline. It was all good in their dimensions...

—Standard Dimension—

Flames continued his, normal life as Delta Burlington in the day time. In the nighttime he was Flames Flare, meeting up with Everest and the others to hang out. They would also go to save other dimensions whose timelines were messed up by Vexon.

—Ultra Dimension—

Everest went back to her home dimension, and at night and sometimes day time would meet up with the other Flares. School starts up soon, so she'll have to start that back up again. Maybe soon, it'll be time to close the dimensions for good.

—UA Dimension—

Drake & Sophia started doing their final exams, while Flames came back to redo his. Drake & Sophia stayed in the UA Dimension as always, keeping an eye on other villains there and staying with friends.

—DWMA Dimension—

Blair & Glisce stayed in the DWMA Dimension as they always did. Both being weapons & meisters, usually Blair was the weapon while Glisce wielded her.

—The Flares Household—

Every other occasion will all ten of the Flares reunite in their house. Astro & Star travel here and there from dimension to dimension. Winter & Drake do the same, usually staying in the Persona dimensions or somewhere else. Everything was back to how it should be, until they close off the dimensions...
To Be Continued...

Arrow Green Arrow Into the DimensionsWhere stories live. Discover now