Chapter 1: Mission Chase

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—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

"Felicity where is he?" I asked through my comm

"He should be on straight up ahead, once you turn right, he hit a dead end,"
Felicity instructed

I grunted as I turned right. Once I did so, there he was Roy Bivolo, or as Cisco would call him 'Rainbow Raider'. Flash, aka Barry, was already there once I arrived. We got him cornered, and we took him down with no sweat.

We headed back to the Foundry once Bivolo was put behind bars. Team Flash decided to hang around for a bit, so we all headed out to dinner.

~~~the next day~~~

Next day our team Flarrow had to reunite because Captain Boomerang escaped his cell. He decided coming to Starling City would be the best place to attack.

I met up with Barry near a park downtown. He told me he searched the area, but he couldn't find him. Just before we were about to get some more info Barry got blasted by an explosive boomerang.

"Flash!" I called, not revealing his identity

"I'll be fine!" He called returning back beside me

I turned back around to see a boomerang almost hit me, if it wasn't for Barry catching it first. I started shooting my arrows but Captain Boomerang kept deflecting them. Barry was able to distract him, as I shot an arrow at his left hand. He dropped his boomerang in his hand, but was zoomed away from a very familiar lightning bolt.

"Thawne...," Barry mumbled under his breath

"How is that even possible? I thought we got rid of that dude!" Cisco complained over the comms

"It's called messing with the timeline Cisco," Barry irritatedly barked back

"Whatever the reason, you two should head back now. Something's unstable, but I can't be for sure what exactly," Felicity suggested

"We're on our way," I replied as Barry and I took our leave

On our way back, Barry was knocked down by a yellow bolt of lightning. Thawne was here, and he's not alone.

I dodged a close coming boomerang, and chased after Captain Boomerang. Barry dealt with Thawne as they ran through the city.

"Felicity, now would be a great time to tell me where to go!" I commanded

"Right, umm...keep going straight, until you hit a traffic light. Then turn left, and a quick right before u-turning back around. You should be able to grab your capture arrow to shoot at Captain Boomerang after that u-turn," she ordered

I did just that, and Captain Boomerang didn't seem to understand what I was doing. Thanks to his confusion he gave me the perfect opportunity to use the capture arrow and catch him.

Once he was down I came over to him, ready to leave him for the police. That was, until something else came.

"Oliver! You and Barry need to return to the Arrow Cave right no-" she cut off

"Felicity? Felicity!" I tried as I couldn't get anything from her

I was about to turn and leave, before feeling a sudden light headedness before darkness hit...
To Be Continued...

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