Chapter 4: Body Swap?

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—Arrow Dimension—

Flames's POV

    "O...Oli...Ver...Oliver...Oliver! Can you hear me?" I heard someone call

I kept my eyes closed trying to use my powers to see where I was.

"Demonic? Hello?" I questioned trying to get his attention

"Demonic I'm not up for your jokes right now...hello?" No response

I mentally sighed, for some reason my powers weren't working. Someone was calling someone else's name...Oliver I think it was. For some reason, I couldn't remember for the life of me what happened and how I got in the situation I was in currently.

No other choice in mind, thinking I'm safe, I opened my eyes. In front of me was a tan skinned girl, with glasses on, brown eyes, and brown hair with some blonde highlights.

"Oh you're awake! Thank goodness. You sure love giving me heart attacks don't you!" The girl commented slapping me on my shoulder

I was ultimately confused. I don't know where I am, Demonic isn't responding to me, my powers aren't working, what else? Wait...the dimension merge! After thinking about that I instantly sat up, forgetting about the girl and whoever else was nearby.

"The dimension merge! I have to get out of here now! Something terrible will happen if they stay merged this way! An-" before I said anything else I grunted in pain

Slowly, I collapsed on the side after trying to leave the table I was on and run out.

"Oliver! Oliver! Calm down! Breathe! Breathe!" Someone interrupted my thoughts

I didn't even realize I was saying all that out loud. The girl with glasses caught me, along with another person who was on my left side, stabilizing me. Then they put me back on the table.

Realizing they heard what I said I just chose to look around again.

"The Dimension Merge! Right. Which dimensions merged again? Ugh! This is so confusing! Besides, where am I??!" My head was in shambles

As I looked around I seemed to be in some base, very cool looking too.

" alright?" The same girl with glasses asked

"Oliver?" I questioned in my head

I chose to stay quiet since I wasn't sure what she meant by Oliver. That seemed to be a bad idea because she and three other people gave me concerned looks.

That's when I chose to speak, "Um...who are you?" I asked

"Oh no...," the brown haired feared

"What?" A dark skinned man questioned

Felicity's POV

    Oliver just woke up and he started freaking out, talking nonsense about some 'dimension merge' and about something bad happening. I decided to shrug off what he said, and quickly was by his side when he fell down. I was telling him to breathe, and when he didn't respond that got us all worrying.

In the Arrow Cave right now was Diggle, Roy, Thea, and myself. Team Flash was here, but we told them they could leave, saying Oliver will be fine.

"Um... Who are you?" Oliver asked

"Oh no," I responded

"What?" Diggle questioned

I had Diggle come from behind him, sedating him to sleep. While Oliver was down, we all talked about what could've happened.

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