Chapter 9: 'Flames' Meets 'Oliver'

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—Arrow Dimension—

Flames's POV

    I slowly woke up, my head pounding hard. It felt like All Might punched me into ten cliffs, like he did three years ago. I could hear voices around me, but they were faint.

"Flames was never one to show much of his feelings, as Delta though, he's a totally different persona," I heard someone say, it sounded like, Everest?

Once I heard Eve's voice, I decided it should be safe to open my eyes, and so I did. I didn't realize I made a noise, because the noises stopped as I opened my eyes. I was back in the Foundry, or Arrow Cave, and Team Arrow & Team Flash were here.

"Flames!" I heard a familiar voice call

Then I felt someone wrap their hands around me. Once I saw their pale skin, and light turquoise hair, plus their red highlight, I knew who it was.

"Everest? Is that you?" I asked hugging her back

She pulled away, and I saw her light turquoise eyes, it was her.

"What're you doing here Eve? I-I thought you couldn't enter. I couldn't leave when I tried, and I'm stuck like this." I told her

"Well, Oliver over here as you revealed to us, he wasn't you, and I kinda knew after he did your final exam in the UA Dimension," she laughed

I face-palmed, I completely forgot about that!

"How'd he do?" I asked

"Horrible," I heard a familiar voice tell me

"Demonic?" I asked

"Yep, it's me," he laughed

"Missed you," I confessed

"Me too, you need to stop doing these things," he joked

"Can't promise anything," I joked back

"Flames?" Everest called

"Oh, sorry, Demonic's back, he's returning back to my mind with Oliver right now," I explained

She nodded her head, "Anyway, as I was saying, Oliver tried using a bow and arrow, and knowing you, you can't even shoot a bow and arrow! It was hilarious!" She laughed as the other Flares laughed

"Believe me, when I told them I couldn't shoot a bow and arrow, I did great here! It was a real surprise," I informed them

"Can we see?" Blair asked

I looked at myself aka Oliver, and he nodded. I went over to the wall I practiced on before, and got ten tennis balls out. I grabbed a bow, and a quiver with arrows.

The tennis balls started bouncing, and I got my right hand ready, stabilizing the bow in the tennis balls' direction. Then started aiming, and soon, shooting with my left hand, being a lefty and all. Once I hit the last ball in the center, sticking it to the wall, many gasps were in the air.

"Since when were you a lefty?" Sophia asked

I shrugged, "Since shooting bows and arrows. It feels better than the other way,"

"It's interesting to see someone else do that in my body, especially seeing me do a lefty style," Oliver commented

I walked over to him, setting the bow down.

I extended my hand out, "You must be Oliver Queen am I right?" I asked

He took my hand shaking it, "Yes, you must be Flames Flare, or Delta Burlington, whoever you go by,"

"Nice to meet you, it's a pleasure," I greeted

"You too, even if it's under these circumstances, the pleasures all kind. Sorry for getting you drawn in all of this," he greeted back

"No no, it's fine, I'm sorry you got involved in all of this, really...," I apologized

"Well it doesn't matter now. I say we fix this," he motioned towards me, then back at him

I nodded my head, "Eve? Any ideas?"

She nodded, "One,'ll be pretty difficult...and hard,"

I motioned for her to continue.

"A dimension merge,"
To Be Continued...

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