Chapter 3: The Dimenson Merge

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—Arrow Dimension—

Oliver's POV

    I slowly began to come to my senses, keeping my eyes closed. I prayed I didn't moved when doing so, so I didn't give away that I was awake. I listened in to my surroundings but couldn't hear anyone or anything familiar. Nothing that could help me guess where I was or what was happening. Then I heard a gasp, I decided to open my eyes then and there.

I was in some cell, bars around my right, and left side, and some in front of me. I had handcuffs over my wrists, and they were stuck to a steel pole in the floor. There were some chains separating the two, making it available for me to move around a little in the cells

I looked ahead of me to see another cell, with someone I wasn't familiar with. Unlike me, the guy had way more chains on him.

Handcuffs over his wrists, and ankles, a chain connecting the two handcuffs from top to bottom. Then a chain from the wrist handcuffs leading up to his neck, connecting a black collar of sorts. Three red bars on the collar, and a bandanna over his mouth. From how he sounded it seems he was gagged, and he had some metal bar over his eyes. He, too, was connected to a steel pole on the ground, connecting all of his cuffs. The collar reminded me of the inhibitor collars I've seen Barry wear once. We had to rescue him one time.

Who was this guy? He must be real powerful if they chained him that much, especially with the collar on.

The guy had red hair, and scary pale skin. Too pale and beyond that he wore a red hoodie with a black t-shirt underneath. He had a key necklace underneath the collar showing.

He got up slowly trying to figure out where he was, but then just sighed and sat back down.

We both stayed quiet, I didn't think he knew I was there, until one of the red bars on his collar disappeared.

He looked around the area again, and paused when he stared right at me. He smiled a little, but then it turned back to a flat line.

"Hey there...," the guy greeted, he looked about 18, but his voice was pretty low

At first I was surprised he could talk so well with the gag on. Either way I chose to stay quiet for my own good, trying to figure a way out.

It was like the guy read my mind because he commented, "Kick the very top of the bars. The bricks are eroded enough to be knocked out of place with enough strength. I'm assuming you can reach that high and far despite the chains,"

I looked at him for a moment, before doing what he said, and making sure there weren't any cameras. He was right, they were able to be cracked easily, and the bars slowly came undone. Oh, and yes, I'm able to kick pretty high while being chained.

Once I was done I looked back at the guy while also checking my surroundings. The bars made pretty obnoxiously loud noises when they fell.

"Leave, they won't catch you in time if you go now," he suggested

I didn't even hesitate to quickly respond back, "No way, I'm not leaving you, wherever we are. You have powers don't you? Whatever power you have I may need your help,"

"Just go, I'm sure you'll bring back up if you really need to. I do have powers but they don't do much. I don't even know how to control them," he insisted

I sighed and nodded, can't argue with that. Then I took my leave, forgetting about how strange it was. He was able to talk just fine even with a gag in.

I had no idea where I was going as I escaped. Either way my escape was pretty easy...too easy.

I found my stuff in a closet, some cameras nearby, but I easily took them out. Grabbed my stuff, got my bike and rode off back to the Foundry.

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