Dire Straits

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The next day at school definitely felt weird without the conventional good morning hug or routinely "hey baby" that I used to receive from Taehyung, who was actually MIA this morning.

But strangely, I didn't miss it at all.

And right as a particular someone stole the spotlight from my ex-boyfriend inside of my mind, that exact person set foot into the classroom with his auburn hair alluringly styled as usual.

Instantly locking eyes with me, Jungkook hurriedly barreled to my seat with the biggest grin ever imaginable, then planted an ever so gentle kiss on my forehead and greeted, "Hey."

I should've left that horribly toxic relationship a very, very long time ago.

Yes, because now, I have this adorable idiot beside me who I was absolutely head-over-heels for.

Students who witnessed the cute act my boyfriend did to me just now began whispering amongst themselves in disbelief, considering the fact that Taehyung and I maintained a reputation as the inseparable power couple in school for the longest time.

And now that such an indivisible couple had been broken up and the principal's hot son was finally single, almost all the girls in my class seemed to have shortened their skirts and appeared extra caked-up today.

But I really couldn't care less about the new impression people had of me and the bullshit they had to say.

Because I was at the pinnacle of happiness with Jungkook, and that's all that mattered.

All of a sudden, our teacher barged into the class with the most serious expression, provoking a frightening, eerie atmosphere for everyone in the room.

Scrutinizing the distinct faces of the students, he halted at the sight of Jungkook and directly pointed at him with his index finger.

"Jeon Jungkook. The principal would like to see you immediately." he notified in a menacing and intimidating tone, prompting a wave of the unnecessary background noise of childish "Ooh"s from the class.

Quickly remembering that Taehyung was nowhere to be found this morning, it could've only meant one thing.

Jungkook's in trouble.

"Uh oh." I blurted out helplessly, but Jungkook was unfortunately already on his way out, obeying the educator's orders.

Impetuously standing up from my wooden chair, I upraised my arm in the air to catch the attention of my teacher.

"Mr. Park! I-I need to go to the nurse." I devised whatever plan I possibly could on the spur of the moment in order to follow after my boyfriend.

"Why? You had enough break time before class." Mr. Park crossed his arms in denial, invariably being that authoritarian and boring man that nobody likes.

"It's... a girl problem." I acted shyly and implied that it pertained to my monthly cycle, subtly moving my body up and down to exaggerate the urgency.

"Alright go." I successfully persuaded my teacher, who now had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Always works on guy teachers" I proudly thought to myself, then speedily rushed out of the classroom without a second to waste.

As I sprinted in the direction of where Jungkook headed, every stomp of my foot against the vinyl tile flooring echoed off the walls of the extensive hallway, identical to the sound of the fearful beating of my heart.

What in the world is Taehyung up to?

What the hell did he tell his dad?

What's going to happen to Jungkook?

Arriving at the galvanized steel door which had the words "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE" on it in bold letters, I discreetly attached my left ear to the cold surface and eavesdropped on the conversation they were having inside.

"Do you see the bruises that you've made on Taehyung's face?!" I perceived the principal ragingly yell in a way that no student has ever heard before.

Palming my forehead at Jungkook's reckless and injudicious action that I didn't consent to, all I really could do was earnestly pray that his consequences wouldn't turn out to be too harsh.

"You really had the audacity to attack my son just because of your stupid jealousy over him dating the 'love of your life' huh?!" Taehyung's dad accused and had completely misinterpreted the whole situation, because of course his son would play the victim card and totally disregard the part where he slapped and physically hurt me.

"Sir, that's not-" Jungkook attempted to straighten out the misunderstanding, but the principal immediately spoke over him with an insensitive "I don't want to hear it!"

A bewildering moment of silence lingered on the other side of the room, but soon, Taehyung's dad declared his verdict.

"Jeon Jungkook, you're expelled from this school."

My heart and jaw instantly dropped in dismay, hearing such a disappointing statement being made.

His new and propitious school life in Seoul was just beginning to bloom, and Taehyung brutally cut off the stem of that blossoming flower in Jungkook's garden just like that.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I made a very spontaneous choice and barged into the office without permission.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and the principal now all had their attentions on me, definitely not expecting such an unforeseen visitor to appear so abruptly.

Despite their pressuring gazes, I valiantly vindicated, "That's not what happened at all Mr. Kim! Your son is lying! Jungkook just wanted to protect me!"

But as if he was deaf only when Jungkook and I had something to say, the principal decided to focus on the most insignificant issue right now and scolded, "How dare you interrupt such an important meeting?! Return to your class this instant!"

"No but you've got the whole situation wrong!" I altercated heatedly, extremely irritated by how stubborn and boorish he was being.

"Do you want to get expelled as well Hana?!" he threatened disdainfully, taking advantage of his position as the authority of the school like how Taehyung often did as the son of the principal.

I remained wordless with my fists trembling in indignation, loathing how impossible it was to convince Taehyung's dad that he was being fooled by the spoiled brat sitting in front of him.

"That's what I thought, now get back to class right now." he gestured me to get out of the office, probably so he could continue to degrade and put down Jungkook, who certainly didn't deserve any of that crap.

"Hana, I'll be fine. Just go back, please." Jungkook calmly pleaded with a beseeching gaze, trying to prevent a potential expulsion for me too.

The inside of my chest stung severely, despising how I couldn't do anything for my boyfriend who was always and unfailingly there for me at all costs.

Before turning around to leave, I glimpsed at Taehyung, who had a satisfied grin on his bruised up and hideously disfigured face.

I mouthed the words "you're. a. bitch." directly at him, then left the room.

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