A Fool

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After thanking Hana's mom for allowing me to come over, I inserted my arms through the straps of my schoolbag and wore it on my back.

I couldn't find Hana anywhere downstairs after the "incident," so I surmised she must've locked herself up in her own room or something.

She probably hates me right now.

Well, I don't blame her though.

I acted on impulse and stole something that I shouldn't have.

I just thought, maybe, just maybe, she would've kissed me back.

Releasing a big, crestfallen sigh, I tugged open the entrance door and exited the house with shoulders drooped down.

But the moment I heard the door click behind me and I spun around my body, I had a mini heart attack at the sight of a curled up Hana situated on her front porch with her legs tucked into her chest.

She seemed to be deep in thought, but her back also emanated sheer sadness and despondency.

Knowing this was all my fault, I assembled even the slightest courage left within me and sat down next to her.

~ Hana's POV ~

I sensed Jungkook's presence plop down beside me, and I've never felt so awkward and agitated with his body near mine.

"Hey Hana I-"

But before he could begin to deliver his useless, counterproductive apology speech, I cut him off immediately to get the truth out of him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked and shot daggers at him, both of my eyebrows furrowed in disorientation.

Rather in a composed manner, Jungkook returned my question with another, "Isn't it self-explanatory?"

Uh oh.

Being the dauntless man he is, he confessed his mind without a single movement of hesitation or stutter.

"I like you Hana."

Oh no.

This was the last thing I wanted to hear from him.

I lowered my gaze back to my intertwined hands, unable to say anything back. 

Inhaling deeply, I upraised my face once again and queried, "Jungkook... did I not tell you before?"

"Tell me what..?" he asked as he displayed a look of bemusement, genuinely uncertain of what I was referring to.

Letting out a long sigh of disappointment in myself, I daintily held Jungkook by his shoulder.

"I-I have a boyfriend..."

After a prolonged, deafening moment of silence, he finally opened his mouth as if someone had pressed the unpause button.

"What the hell Hana! That should've been the first thing you told me!" Jungkook angrily said as he flung my hand away powerfully but not too vigorously, then held the sides of his head with the palms of his hands.

"I thought you knew!" I attempted to validate myself, really believing that I informed him about my current relationship status at least once since we met.

Shaking his head from side-to-side as he had a staring contest with the wooden floor, Jungkook spilled a little bit of his sincere sentiment at the moment, "I feel like an idiot now..."

Fully acknowledging that this was my fault and my irresponsibility for failing to tell him about my boyfriend in advance, I delicately caressed his back to provide some sort of comfort.

"I'm really sorry Jungkook..."

But not receiving any reply or reaction from him, I clarified in timidity, "Are you okay?"

"I just got rejected Hana. What do you think?" Jungkook scoffed, his voice cracking and quavering a bit.

Not knowing what to say, I questioned impetuously, "Are you hurt?"

"No shit." he mumbled with his palms now concealing his eyes, a streak of one shimmering spark reflecting the moonlight slowly trickling down his cheek.

"Are you... crying?" I asked in shock, never seeing him like this before.

As if something had snapped within him, Jungkook irritatedly glared at me with eyes full of tears, "Can you stop with this series of dumb ass questions?"

Gulping back down the next question that was in line, I immediately fastened the invisible zipper across my lips.

But witnessing the waterfalls irrepressibly cascading down both of his cheeks, I couldn't help but cup his face and wipe away his tears out of instinct.

In a gradual manner, Jungkook noiselessly brought up his large hands up to mine and enveloped them, halting my thumb from moving.

With a menacing and austere scowl, I sensed one side of his lips curving up into a vile smirk.

"If you keep doing shit like this, I can't guarantee that I'm gonna give up on you."

I hastily jerked my hand back, possessing zero intentions of presenting him with false hope yet again.

"Anyway, don't worry about me. I didn't like you that much anyway." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair superciliously, camouflaging the truth with his arrogance like always.

"Jungkook, you just cried over me rejecting you." I called him out for his baby-like self earlier.

"Shut up shut up. I don't know what you're talking about." he contradicted as he averted his eyes away somewhere else, being the horrible actor and liar he's always been.

"ANYWAY, still friends?" Jungkook cut to the chase, probably preventing me from exposing his humiliations anymore.

"Of course what the hell. That's not even a question." I giggled wholeheartedly, kind of glad he wasn't all depressed mode after the whole situation.

"Alright, I'm gonna go. Thanks for tutoring me. Night." he said and lifted his butt from the ground, doing his signature thing of stuffing his fists in his pockets.

"Goodnight." I waved at him goodbye, and with that, Jungkook wandered off.

He probably thought I wasn't looking anymore, but I clearly saw him release a sad, protracted sigh with his dismally slouched shoulders of a heartbroken soul.

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