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"You alright?"

Jin situated himself beside me on this desolate bench outside of the train station, handing me a can of hot cocoa he purchased from the vending machine.

"Yeah, just... hurt." I answered him in a frail voice, gratefully accepting the beverage from him.

"Sorry man, I shouldn't have suggested to keep on following them in the first place." he said sorrily, taking a sip from his own drink.

"Nah, you were just trying to help." I justified his actions, gluing my eyes to the wet concrete ground.

"I don't know what I expected, really. Hana's taken, and I just have to accept that. She's in love with someone else that's not me, and I just have to face it." I made a mental note to myself, but my honest thoughts inevitably spilled out.

"But I don't know why that's so hard for me to do..." I muttered and lowered my face even more, not daring to turn on the waterworks in front of my best friend.

But instead of taunting me for my lack of manliness, Jin gave me a consoling pat on my back and assured me, "It's going to be alright Kookie. You'll learn how to slowly. You just gotta wait a little more."

Deeply inhaling the wintry air in through my nostrils, I finally managed to look at him.

"Thanks." I said to him, sincerely appreciating all that he's endured and dealt with for me this entire day.

"Anytime. But I gotta go, my train's almost here." Jin said as he gestured to go inside the station.

"I think I'm gonna walk home today. The house I stay at isn't that far from here anyway." I politely declined, just wanting some alone time to organize my tumultuous mind.

"Alright, stay safe and be careful. Call me if you get kidnapped." he said while walking backwards into the building, waving at me goodbye as he disappeared into the crowd of busily walking business men, women, and children.

Getting up from the wooden bench, I began heading down the road into an isolated street.

Strolling down the poorly lit sidewalks with my pockets keeping my hands from falling off in this cold temperature, I suddenly heard the petrified scream of a woman out of nowhere.

"Help! Somebody help!"

I raced towards a dingy alleyway from where the voice came from, detecting a woman being vigorously yanked by her arm by a man attired in a hoodie. 

Walking toward the scene with fists clenched and nothing but infuriation flaring within me, I threw a tenacious punch right onto this bastard's face. 

The creep collapsed onto the ground from the impact, and I grabbed him by his collar before he could assault me back. 

Pulling him up forcibly and obligating him to stand up back onto his quivering feet, I whispered in sheer abhorrence, "You're a disgusting piece of shit you know that?" 

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry! P-Please don't kill me!" this weak-minded coward had the audacity to speak up, overflowing tears streaming from his desperate eyes down to his bruised cheek. 

Shoving him against the brick wall behind him without releasing my grip, I gave him a little helpful advice, "Learn how to keep your fucking hands to yourself, and learn how to fucking respect women."

"Y-Y-Yes s-sir!" he nodded at lightning speed, seeming like he was about to pee in his pants. 

"Are you okay ma'am? Any injur-" I was about to check on the victim, but she turned out to be someone I never would've expected. 


* * *

After turning in that senseless wimp in to the closest police station, I exited the building while following behind Yerim's figure.

Slowly spinning around, she looked at me with a terrified but relieved expression. 

"Thank you, Jungkook." Yerim thanked, displaying a wholehearted smile that was different from the one she showed at the library. 

Slightly grinning back, I cautioned in order to prevent any more of such troublesome encounters, "Just be careful. There're a lot of perverts out there."

I didn't care if she was my ex.

No one deserves to be treated like that, because now that criminal inflicted an unforgettable trauma in her mind that's going to mentally torture her relentlessly. 

Unanticipatedly, Yerim took a step closer and hugged me tightly. 

She was shaking.

I was definitely taken aback by her unforeseen action, but I couldn't dare to push away such a frightened girl. 

Although hesitant initially, I gently embraced her back, hoping I could provide at least some sort of alleviation for her. 

And as if my simple response had eliminated all the fear within her, Yerim's shoulders began to tremble as she let out her affliction in the forms of tears. 

"You're safe now. No one's gonna hurt you Yerim." I affirmed, knowing for a fact that all she really needed right now was reassurance and consolation. 

 Never did I imagine myself to be comforting and caressing the back of my ex-girlfriend, who's actually the cause of my trauma on this stupid, agonizing concept of love. 

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