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Mattia smiled tackling the young girl to his bed
he cried tears of joy hugging the pillow she was on top of when he looked back at the girl she looked different she looked dead
mattia jolted back blinking she was gone
she was no where.
he looked at the time seeing it was 7:57
he slept for almost and hour
but he felt as if he had just closed his eyes
mattia took a deep breath letting a tear fall
"fuck" he breathed out
"a nightmare"


it was now 12 pm and mattia had not left his room
this day had always hit the hardest
mattia had no appetite
no emotion
or expression
no more tears
all he had was a blank stare

mattia's mom would walk in ever so often checking on him
mattia still wondering why she hadn't ask him 'why he was out so early
he thought
'did dad not tell her?'
mattia's mind was everywhere
until his mom walked in for like
The hundredth time
this time being different
"do you wanna talk about it?"
mattia was dumbfounded
"your nightmares"

mattia's eyes went wide
"how did you know about those?"

"you were screaming mattia. for half an hour.."

mattia put his hands on his head thinking
"you did mattia..you woke me up."
"I'm sorry" he apologized looking down
his mother smiled and nodded

but mattia was still confused
he still put his game face on though
"where's dad?"
"are you sure?"
"mattia? Why are you questioning that?"
mattia sighed "no reason"

mattia's mom sat beside him resting her head on his shoulder
"is this about y/n?"

just then mattia shot down
tears swelled up into his eyes which then fell onto his mom mrs.polibio sighed pulling her broken hearted son into her arms
"its gonna be okay mattia. you'll find her one day"
mattia started blankly at the floor while his mother confronted him
mattia's mind started going to the abandoned barn
"yes mattia"
"does dad ever take you to work with him?"
mattia's mom laughed
"never, says it's no place for a bright and strong woman like me."
mattia furrowed his brows "its photography"
she giggled
"i know, but your father thinks I should be the photographer subject than the photographer I'm 'too pretty' to be behind a camera and should be in front of it." she quotes

mattia's mind started to think
"what's weird?" his mother asked
"no nothing. mom?:
"can you ask dad if I can go to work with him ?"
she looked at mattia like he was insane
"sure? Why now? you never asked befote."
"i know I just miss dad he's always away now." mattia exaggerated sighed
mrs.polibio smiled "of course I can ask mattia. now, invite Kairi alvaro and ale over I don't want you being alone today."

and mattia did just that
called the boys over but the only ones that could make it were Kairi and ale
alvaro was packing to move to Florida soon which broke all the boys hearts

as soon as they arrived they all had the same idea

the hideout was the new head quarters for the boys conspiring so it be harder for they to get caught instead of being in mattia's room, and each of the boys had a little assignment before they left.

Kairi packed snacks and such
ale packed tools and other necessities for the board they made
while mattia took the board putting a thin blanket over it so his mother couldn't see

The boys practically running down the stairs with smiled and adrenaline bumps into mrs.polibio
"oh hello boys going somewhere?"

"oh hi mrs.polibio! yes were going to alvaro house" Kairi smiled

"oh okay! have fun! bye mattia be safe I love you!"

mattia smiled "i love you more"

and just like that they were out the door.


bro I'm telling you resses puffs are better"
Kairi began while he was seated on the couch of the junk yard

"straight cap though but whateverrrr"

mattia rolling his eyes at his friends argument examined the board
"when do we know to bust in that stupid barn?" mattia pondered

"well you said you might go out with your dad for work right? figure it out then" ale said

"yeah but u don't know when that'll be"

"i do."
the boys turn their heads seeing alvaro sweaty and panting
"i ran here" he said collapsing on the ground
The boys snicker but mattia keeps his mind on alvaros words

"well, I walked by there a couple minutes ago to see if anything was there, and for the most part nothing was i even checked inside through a broken window-"he said in one breath

"okay alvaro chill breathe."
Kairi laughed

alvaro took a couple seconds to gather his thoughts then pointed to mattia

"when did your dad make that call?"
"like 3 am"
"okay so if your dad had sent someone to check it out or even to just look at it he would've done it by now.-" he paused to look at his phone

"its 6 am trust me mattia that barn should be long empty by now"

mattia loved what he was hearing and so did Kairi and ale

"great. so when do we go in?"
"i say tomorrow so we can have a plan ahead of time."
"I'm for that plan"
"yeah same"

mattia clapped his hands "its settled operation bust my dad is a go."
Kairi cheered and ale tackled alvaro making him go flying the boys decided to stay a little longer and just mess around talk about old times and even decided to tag y/n's name on the wall.

when it was time to go mattia said he'd catch up.

Kairi ale and alvaro all walked to Kairi's car waiting for mattia, but mattia just sat in silence for a moment.

he put his hand on the wall where they had tagged there names
"don't worry y/n. I'll find you. I promise."

mattia said goodbye to Kairi who was now driving off turning the corner

mattia sighed walking in seeing his mom eating dinner with his dad
his mom seemed
which hurt tia to witness because to him he seemed like a monster

mattia went straight to his room laying down face up
"dammit y/n i just want you here."

"i am"

mattia softly turned his head seeing y/n and him face to face, he laughed

he kept the gaze on her seeing her expression shift
"don't believe me?"

"nope. your nothing but a dream, bit on my for now. I swear." he said sternly

y/n's face turned sad and looked up
"i know you will."

mattia turned to his body fully facing her
"trust me babe I'll find you. I don't care how long it takes. all I want and all I need.. I wanna be with you.. you and me.."

y/n turned her body putting a hand on his face
"I know"

mattia closed his eyes touching her hand that was on his face

"i love you"

when his eyes opened she was gone leaving a empty space on his bed which mattia left open

he cried himself to bed remembering the words she said replaying it over and over in his weak mind

"i know you will."


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