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"well, alot happened that night" leila began

mattia nodded not trying to rush her he knew it was a sensitive topic so mattia listened with all ears

"i was a senior in high school when it happened.." she paused "i got invited to this party by a friend of mine at the time so we decided to go together-"

"-little did I know that someone had spiked my drink after about 3-4 minutes maybe..i started to feel dizzy

"- my friend parked said he'd take me home but I lost him in the crowd.. next thing you know im- I'm- t- there" she said tearing up

alejandro got up from the little cramped couch of 4 boys and walked to her side grabbing her hand
"its okay leila your not there anymore your safe"he reassured her rubbing his thumbs across her palm

she gave ale a comforting smile and continued "i didn't know where I was. i just saw a blue light, and I heard camera flashes from around me.-"

"-then I blacked out again, waking up to a different room, a male approached me asking if I knew who I was or where I was. o replied with a no and he believe it letting me go"

mattia scooted more to the edge of the couch listening closely "can you describe him?"

she sighed looking down "he wore glasses and his hair was brown but it was gradually turning white..thats all i remember I'm sorry"

"no! don't be, you helped us a lot" Kairi smiled

The brunette looked at her phone seeing the time alejandro doing the same "let's head out gang it's getting late and she might have a lecture tomorrow"

mattia nodded going to give leila a hug

"thank you leila, I'll get you justice" he said rubbing her back

she smiled tearing up "thank you mattia. if any of you need anything here have my number"

alejandro took it gratefully giving her a hug Kairi and alvaro did the same

"goodbye"she said closing the door leaving the four boys in a dull lit hallway
when they were making there way down stairs mattia couldn't help but smile
"i finally got you, you bastard"
he thought reclining his head on the elevator wall feeling it move around with its motion

this time alejandro offered to drive which mattia was grateful for but mattia'smind was in a dark place thinking about y/n
so he pulled out his phone looking at her Instagram
he lightly snickered at her posts and her silliness but his frown appeared when he say her latest post


mattia's eyes swelled up with tears as he silently cried missing her and her touch
mattia huffed his phone closing his eyes feeling one last tear escape he took a couple of deep breaths to calm him down, which happened to make mattia fall asleep with his head on the window


"yo tia"

mattia's head jolted up seeing kairis on the drivers seat now and him in the back
alejandro not alvaro was there which meant he was home and he was right. mattia looked outside seeing his house porch light on smiling he opens the door
"thank you Kairi. love you bro"

"no problem. love you too. get some rest"
he smiled making mattia nod

he closed the car hearing him drive off
when mattia reached his door he noticed his dad's car wasn't there which got him  thinking

his house smelled of chocolate walking into the kitchen he saw his mom drinking a dark substance
mattia threw on a smile hugging his mother
"hello ma"
"hello mattia. how was the game?"
"huh? OH right! super fun our school won"
"that's good" his mom beamed
"where's uh dad?"
"oh okay"
mattia took that as his departure opportunity

he kissed his mother's for head goodnight walking to his room slugishly waddling up the stairs and around the corning.
when he walking in he immediately tosses himself on his bed knocking out as soon as his head hit the pillow not worrying about a single thing besides y/n

but he should've

mr.polibio walked around the bunker doing tasks he had was done till something had caught his eyes

he walked over to the cabinets  which held the binders. he bent down picking up a picture that lingered on the floor staring at it in horror



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