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y/n sat on her sofa scrolling through her Netflix account. she desperately wanted something to watch considering her classes got canceled due to the rain storming outside her dorm

sighing she gets up from her cozy couch walking over to her dorms fridge helping herself with a  bowl of strawberries

she smiled at the fruit popping one into her mouth then going back to the couch

she skimmed through the choices once more smiling at the Netflix movie in front of her

it was a movie mattia forced her to watch one time she cane over because he didn't wanna watch it alone

'sinister 2'

y/n plays the movie remembering that night with him


"mattia I'm not watching it"

"pleaaasssseeeee y/n! it just released on Netflix and I wanna see it"

"i don't like scary movies" y/n said pouting

"I'll protect you duh"

"you say that like you actually believe you can"

"you suck"mattia said changing the movie clearly a little sad

y/n rolled her eyes snatching the remote and putting on the movie

"I'll watch it, because you're my bestfriend and I love you"

"ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh lessss gooooo"

"ew never say that again" y/n said laughing

mattia pulled up a smile shaking his head
"want some popcorn"

"obviously" she said smiling

"okay okay! be right back" mattia said jumping over the couch

y/n laughed looking at him run to the kitchen the paused the movie she wasn't ecstatic on seeing

y/n picked up her phone smiling at her home screen

a picture of them together

y/n kept staring at the picture of the two until mattia cane up behind her startling her

"what the fuck" she said gasping for air

mattia who was dying of laughter popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth falling onto the couch

"I'm gonna kill you" she said laughing jumping onto mattia and fake punching him

mattia who had been pretending to be hurt flipped them over so y/n was now on the bottom

mattia gave her a wink then instantly started tickling her

"m-mattia S-stOp" she said uncontrollably laughing

mattia eventually did still hovering over her just staring at her, y/n doing the same

"I'm sorry"

"for?" she said


before y/n could respond mattia gently kissed her lips not wanting to hurt her in anyway

y/n smiled into the kiss pulling him closer to her

for some reason mattia had the instinct to put her on his lap and that's what he did

mattia however released from the kiss and smiled at her

"what's wrong ?"she asked

"nothing, I just wanna hold you"

y/n giggled nodding "okay"

she snuggled up on his chest still on his lap while mattia decided to unpause the movie

"ahh fuck I forgot we were watching this" she outed with nervousness in her voice

"don't worry bebe I got you I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you"

"i know"she smiled kissing his cheek putting her eyes back on the screen

-end of flashback-


my dorm door softly swung open revealing my roommate

I snapped out of my trance smiling at her giving her a wave looking at the time
fuck I have to go to the library

I get up plopping a strawberry in my mouth sliding on my shoes

"heyyy y/n-"she smiled walking to the fridge

"-going to the library already? be careful it's pouring"

I laughed lightly putting my hood

"don't worry I'll be fine-"

"-bye katie"


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