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"she loved you to."

mattia turned his head around aware of the familiar voice looking him in the eyes. mattia thought to himself 'how dare he?!' but no words came out just actions

anger rose into him. he stood up punching as hard as he could wounding the man and making him fall back

"mattia I'm sorry" his old man pleaded

"fuck. you. james." mattia stated never using his father's real names b efote

"mattia I didn't want to kill her."

mattia didn't say anything he just wanted harder waiting for more answers

Kairi ale and alvaro behind with anger in them to. the man they once trusted with anything killed their little sister figure they didn't have any other emotion besides hatred

"yes. I abducted her!only because I thought she was so beautiful-"

"she is." mattia spat

"i would admire her and her smile and just her on general! she captured my eyes. so I took her the night of prom... it was the only time I thought was right-"

"- she never needed a ride from her other friends.. we were netting eachother because I offered money in trade for some obscure pictures, I thought she was going to accept my proposal but she declined instead said I was sick!-"

he paused looking at mattia's eyes who remained angry

"-i bashed her head threw her in my car and drove her to the bunker..i kept her there for a year I was going to release her I swear, bit I knew she was going to tell you and i wanted her beauty to myself not you! I deserved her"

"YOU'RE 49!!" mattia screamed
"SHE'S 17"

"age is just a number." he snickered

mattia started marching up to him to throw a punch but ale held him back"let him finsish"

mattia's father sinisterly smiled
"i was taking pictures of her one day and she wouldn't cooperate!I tried all the drugs all the torture and she wouldn't crack"

"she's a tough girl" ale said with a crack

"indeed, but when I went to give her more medicine for her to go unconscious I gave her too much!! she went into shock and she over dosed! I didn't mean to kill her!"

"your a coward. a fake. yours a psychopath" alvaro said

" i loved her dad... I was on love with her.."

"yes I know and I've felt guilt about it! I realized that! please mattia forgive me."

mattia laughed shaking his head taking his phone out "gotcha bitch" he said pressing the stop button on his camera

mr.polibio fell silent he went wide eyed
"mattia I'm your father you can't do this! think about your mother."

"mom will find better" mattia said before calling 911

"id like to report a murder. yes my father. no I'm not. ahh okay yes yes hmmm? okay I'll take him home immediately."


mattia watched as his father got taken away

his mother burst into tears but mattia felt no remorse he didn't feel sorry he didn't feel anything

mattia met up with his friends hugging the lives out of them "she's in a better place" they cried

"or in hell she was a lil devil sometimes" Kairi said making the others crack a laugh

mattia watched as his mother came by grabbing him by his hand
"I'm so so sorry mattia i-i-i didn't know."

"its not your fault"

his mother and him exchanged a needed hug while mattia cried and cried he knew there was nothing he could do or say, and of he was being honest. he didn't know how to react... in the moment his heart was obviously broken but in that time mattia didn't wanna believe it was real


mattia said goodbye to his friends who pulled pit of the driveway mattia waved with a weak smile

"excuse me are you mattia?" a police officer asked

"yes that's me"

"thank you sin, were gonna look closely into all his victims, your a brave kid."

mattia nodded "the first one I think you should look into is a girl, her name is leila Perez."

"will do, take care kid, I'm sorry for your girlfriend." the police officer said walking off

"me too" mattia whispered

" girlfriend huh?"

mattia turned seeing y/n he smiled wide
"yup girlfriend is right"

she smiled but frowned "I'm sorry"


"for not saying I was in love with you when we last saw each other."

mattia chuckled "nope that all me, I should've said something the moment I met you"

she smiled walking to his side sitting on the curb mattia sat down shortly afterwards

"you weren't kidding when you said you were there" he said using dark humor which backfired because it caused mattia to burst into tears

"i couldn't bring myself to tell you...but tia..?"

"yes beautiful?"

she took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes feeling like this moment was right
"I'm in love with you, but you need to let me go."

" I'm in love with you too, and no never"

Mattias hair wooshed in his face when a gust of wind blew he moved it aside seeing y/n no longer there

He sat there a little longer crying to himself wishing he said and did more things with her
He decided it was time to head inside because it was getting late

He walked in to his mother asleep on the couch with dried tears on her shirt and face. Mattia have her a head kiss and went up to his room

When he entered it was ransacked Mattia sighed and picked some stuff up

He took some time to gather his thoughts and outlook on the whole ordeal
In a way he felt relived..like a weight has been lifted off, but a greater one was brought on himself because of y/n's death

Lasting down still fully clothed in joggers and a hoodie he closed his eyes taking a breath remembering the moment he has with her one Valentine's

-flashback -

"Promise me well always be friends?"
She asked

"I promise okay?"
he replied

He smiled turning to his side seeing her next to him


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