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Mattias knees were firmly attached to the ground he hadnt moved an inch. All he could do was cry and hit the floor in pain, but mattia got up wiped his tears taking out his phone takibg sudden pictures of the binders he saw around him.

"What are you doing?" A sad alejandro cried out

"Im getting evidence" mattia spat

"We still dont have enough" alvaros voice rang out whos tear stained face was sitting down

Mattias head violently shook to face him
"What do you mean"

"We have evidence yes, but not of your dad anyone could've done this-"

"We know it was him!"

"We know that mattia! But not the police! Its not a solid case"

"They could dust for finger prints!! They could use black lights! They have to"

"Tia.. were kids they wont take us seriously"

Mattia knew alvaro was right he just never wanted to admit to himself, but he decided to let it go he didnt wanna argue
"Fine, but im still taking pictures"

Alvaro nodded knowing he couldn't stop the taller boy he knew there was nothing he could do.. especially to get him out of this state.

The room felt silent as all you could hear now were the clicks of mattia's phone and the light sniffles and cried that came from Kairi and alejandro
alejandro being the first one to stand up from the two wiped his tears. His heart broken from seeing his sister like figure to him being posed in such a disturbing way huffed out a breath running his neck

"can we get out of here please?"he pleaded
"please" Kairi said shortly after

mattia took a quick look around and sighed
"yeah, junkyard?"

"yeah" they said in unison
and that's what they did they put back everything back to the way it was leaving the room as cold as they first entered it
but what they forgot to pick up was a picture from one of the binders. it laid on the flooring which soon would be found, not by the group of teens.

The car ride was awkward and the first to break the silence was ale
"we're gonna find her right?"

mattia's head spun around to face him he softly smiled but found himself not saying anything instead his mind asked him the same thing but to make ale feel better he smiled and nodded
"of course we are"

"where could she be?" Kairi joined
I shrugged my shoulders pressing my lips together "i have no idea. my dad hardly talks about his job"
Kairi sighed pressing the wheel a little harder. mattia looked at alvaro to see him in his phone scrolling aggressively. he hadn't said one word the whole car ride which worried mattia because he usually the one to bring up the mood
"Varo what are you doing?" mattia asked

"sh" was all alvaro said before looking up seeing they were at the junkyard getting out of the car and speed walking into the entrance.
mattia scoffed getting down the two other boys following behind

"listen here Alvaro!I know we both didn't like what we saw! but come one man I'm not the villain here!-"

"shut up" alvaro said still eyeing his phone looking up from time to time to see where he was walking
mattia seemed to get more angry by the second he didn't understand why he was acting like this
mattia saw the shorter boy take an fast turn into the hideout and start doing things which made mattia ponder
"alvaro what the fuck? Why are-"

"YES" alvaro screamed wheezing after of excitement ale and Kairi were just as confused as mattia was "yes what?" Kairi asked taking a seat on the couch

"i found one of them"
mattia's eyes went wide "what are you talking about?"

"her name is leila. she's a survivor, a freshman college student I searched on Instagram based on the pictures we had seen of her..her name is leila..leila Perez" alvaro said smiling

"okay and? what does that even mean for us?"mattia said taking a seat next to Kairi

"we have a lead. a witness."

mattia's smile expanded he got up excited as ever hugging the daylights out of alvaro kissing his cheeks
Kairi hugging from behind dragging ale with him screamed out "our Nancy drew"
they all laughed making alvaro rolled his eyes

The boys started to get to work trying to find out where they can get a hold of this girl
mattia sat back looking at his friends with a smile he took a look at his phones wallpaper smiling more
"I'm close y/n i can feel it"he whispered

out of no where mattia felt as if he was being watched. when he looked outside the hideouts little window he saw y/n she was sitting on this empty area of a patch of dirt that seemed to be growing back it's grass
he smiled and excused himself walking over to her "hey tia"
"hey y/n"he smiled sitting next to her
she giggled slightly not saying anything till mattia broke the silence
"odd choice to sit down at"he laughed but a frown appeared on her face
"i guess this place has a meaning right here"
"here? as in the junkyard? you know it?
"yeah, been here a couple of times"
"and you never told me? that kind of hurted me though" he quotes while she pushed him playfully "shut up" she said illuminating that smile mattia had fallen for many years ago
mattia's face turned into a serious one he took his finger turning mattia's face towards his making her look at him
"where are you?"
she smiled weakly "I'm right here"
mattia let out a frustrated sigh "y/n-"


mattia's head spun seeing Kairi wave for him to come back

"it's getting late let's go! we'll come back later!"

"okay" he responded and looked back at the girl who no longer was there

"dammit" he signed getting up dustinghis pants from any left over dirt that lingered on him and began walking back to his friends, but before leaving took one last glance at where he was just sitting with y/n a seco d ago and he put on a one sided smile "i love you y/n" he said softly and turned around to walk back to the group of boys who were waiting for him by the entrance

as mattia was walking the young girls appearance reappeared in the same position she sat in next to mattia watching him walk away she looked at her hands then at him smiling

"i love you too."

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