Moving in

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Fluttershy's POV-

After a long road trip I had finally arrived at my new apartment in the city. The city was loud unlike the country. I used to live with my parents, until I decided I wanted better education so I joined a new school called Crystal Prep Academy. Anyway's I decided I needed some sleep if I had to join the school tomorrow, so I walked into the lobby and went into the elevator. One I got to my floor I stepped out the elevator, and followed the signs to my room. I took a deep breath as I put the keys in and opened the door. Once I stepped inside I looked around, "Not to shabby!". I put my stuff down and found the bathroom, took a shower and headed to bed.

The next morning I woke up a little early, made myself some breakfast, changed into my uniform, and hopped in my car to go to school. I was super nervous. I didn't like meeting people, had trouble with saying hi, even small talk I struggled with! How in thee world was I going to make friends!? When I arrived at Crystal Prep first thing I noticed is that it was huge! I thought to myself "how was I going to find my way around?". I walked inside and saw someone, "u-um, excuse me? Do you now the way to, u-um Principal Cadances's office?

"No, find it yourself!"

"Oh..u-um ok thank you" I said humiliated. I guess I was going to have to find it myself. I went left and right and right again, I still couldn't find it. "God Fluttershy, why do I even try", I thought to myself as I sat down on some stairs. "Hello Miss, do you need help finding something?" I looked up, "y-yeah, I need help finding p-principle Cadance's office." I said shyly

"Oh, hi! I'm principal Cadance!" The nice lady said.

"O-oh, I'm Fluttershy, I'm new here." I at a low voice.

"Follow me, I'll bring you to my office!" She put out her hand and at first I didn't realize what she was doing, but as soon as I did I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up. Principal Cadance started walking and stopped. I couldn't believe it, I walked forever and here the door was. 2 door away from where I was sitting. Boy did I feel dumb. Principal Cadance opened the door and sat down in her chair, she pulled closer to the computer. "I'm sorry, what's your name again?"

"Fluttershy" I muttered. She typed in my name and printed something out.

"Here you go Fluttershy!" She handed me a piece of paper with classes on it. Oh, it was my schedule.

"Do you want me to call in a student to show you around campus?" I nodded. While waiting for the student to come, I looked around Principal Cadances office and saw a sheet. It read participants for the friendship games. "What is the friendship games?" I asked Principal Cadance.

"Oh, every year we have a series of competitions against Canterlot high, do you want to play in it tomorrow?" She asked.

"No I'm ok.", I hated competition, it made me stress out. Everyone counting on, eyes staring at you, boos if you fail. No way I was going to do that!

"That's ok, you can just watch then! Just come to school an hour early for the bus ride ok?"

"Alright." After another 5 minutes the student came in. She took me around the school, to be honest she wasn't that nice. I don't think anyone in this school is nice, other than the teachers of course.

After school I was so tired, I took my car and headed back for the apartment. Once I got there I started thinking about the friendship games. What were they like, are the people at Canterlot nicer than Crystal prep? I doubted it, I mean they were our competition. After thinking and stressing for awhile I finally fell asleep.

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