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Pinkie Pie's POV-

I was sitting down and texting Twilight when Rainbow Dash came in looking stressed, "Hey Dashie!"

"Hi Pinkie.. Can I have 2 cupcakes please?" She asked me. I motioned Rainbow to sit down. Then I went beside the counter and got 2 of our freshest cupcakes, I gave them to her and sat in the other chair.

"What's wrong Dashie?"

"Nothing Pinkie, don't want to talk about it.."

"Oh, is it because Fluttershy got a weird text then went outside, so you followed her, the she stopped at the mall, so you followed her in, turns out she was on a date with Sugarcoat from Crystal prep, then you confronted her, then you came here!" I said gasping for air.

"Yeah.. I forgot you can do that..", Rainbow looked depressed AF, no joke. I decided, I'm one of Rainbow's closet friend, I'm going to help to fix this! Got to find Fluttershy first! I pulled out my phone and texted Fluttershy.

Me: Hey Fluttershy, wanna hangout?

Fluttershy: um.. I guess.. I'm not in a good mood right now..

Me: well then! I'll twist your frown upside down! I'm coming over to Rainbow's house!

Fluttershy: ok if really want to..

I tucked my phone into my bag, "Dashie, I've got to go, have some more cupcakes though!!" she nodded. I dashed out of Sugarcube corner, then to my car. I quickly turned on the engine and raced to Rainbow and Fluttershy's home.

When I got there I knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened the door, mascara all over her cheeks, "Oh my, what happened Fluttershy?" I asked, I walked inside and sat on her couch.

When she finished explaining my jaw was wide open, man was there relationship com-pli-cated! 'How could I help?' I thought to myself. "Fluttershy, you know what you did was wrong, even if it means no more bulling, your hurting Rainbow." I told her.

"I know... Where is she? I need to apologize.." she said with pauses in between. "Sugarcube Corner, quick! I'll drive you there!", we quickly hopped in my car and raced to Sugarcube Corner. I looked through the window, Rainbow was there fiddling with her milkshake. 'Poor Rainbow' I thought to myself. How could it get any worse?! Then rain started pouring, I forgot you never, EVER say, 'how could it get any worse'.

We walked inside, I quickly went beside the counter and took a straw, I went to Rainbow's table and put the straw in her milkshake, "Pinkie, What are you doing?" She asked. I pointed towards the door, "Oh Fluttershy I didn't see you there!" I said, there were 2 empty tables, I quickly grabbed Mr. and Mrs. Cake at sat them down separately at those two tables, "Oh, sorry! No more tables I guess you'll have to sit with Rainbow!" I said shrugging. I slowly disappeared behide the counter, listening to their conversations.

"Dashie, I'm so sorry.."

"You should be Shy!"

"I only did it because she said she would make the bullying stop!"

"Not an excuse, I could do that and I was trying too!"

"I broke it off with her, I'm going to go through hell on Monday! But, it's ok.. because sometimes love hurts, but it's all worth it in the end!" Fluttershy said, breaking the silence.

"Ahh!! S-so, i-inspirational!" I said crying behide the counter.

"Pinkie!" They both shouted, "ok ok, geez.. alone time it is!" I said leaving the room, but still peeking around the corner.

"Anyways, it's fine, you don't have to forgive me.. I'll just go." She stood up and walked outside into the pouring rain, no umbrella, nothing. I quickly walked up to Dashie.

"What are you doing you fool! Go after her! She clearly is sorry and loves you!" I said tearing up, it's just that all this is  s-so emotional! Rainbow then stood up with determination in her eyes, "Thanks Pinkie, your the best friend I could ever ask for!" She said, running out the door. "Ahh, young love.."

"What was that?" Twilight Sparkle said, walking inside.

"Hey! Twi, What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget already? We have un-finished business.." she said, checking me out.

"Oh yeah! Business.. I'll meet you there Twi!" I said as she walked passed me and gave me a quick kiss.

Any who! Welcome to the end of this chapter! Was I entertaining! Thank you all for 350 reads! We got a medal in #rainbowshy ! The author and I want to give a special shoutout to the reader that inspired her write more chapters everyday, Aiyah27 !
I want you all to know that I appreciate every single one you guys! More chapters coming out soon! Check out the new  book, Sciset: Understanding Love! (Quick Note: Sciset and Flutterdash do not intertwine) What other ships would you like to see in the future?


"Coming Twi!"

Okie dokie loki, don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on-, wait wrong outro... Ah, I remember it! Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library! This is Pinkie Pie signing off, BYEEE!! <3 <3 <3

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