Into another world

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Rainbow Dash's POV-

I woke up, very tired. I looked around to see that I was in the hospital and that Fluttershy was still on the hospital bed. So it wasn't just a bad dream. It was 8 am, I got out of my chair, and went downstairs to the cafeteria.

"Hey Dash, how Fluttershy?" The worker asked me.

"She's still not awake, Brenda.." I sighed.

"Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine, do you want porridge or cereal?"

"Cereal.. the porridge sucks."

"I always make the porridge..." She said, handing me a bowl of cereal.

"I mean- so delicious!" I said, running away.

I walked back into the elevator then into Fluttershy room. To my surprise, Fluttershy was sitting up right and talking to the nurse!

"F-Fluttershy?" I asked.

"Rainbow Dash!" She said, as she opened her arms for a hug. I walked towards her and gave her a tight hug, trying to hold back my tears of happiness. After the hug broke, I sat back down in the chair I was basically living on.

"So, how do you feel?"

"Honestly, a little fuzzy.."

"Here.." I said, trying to think of something fun we could do, "Do you want to go for a walk in the forest?" I asked. The hospital was right by this beautiful forest, every time I looked at the animals that lived there, I thought of a how much Fluttershy would love it.

"Oh! Yes! I would love to!" She replied, excited. I stood up and helped her get out off the bed. She was able to walk, but struggled at first. We then walked out of the room and to the elevator.

Once we got to the ground floor, we went out of the back entrance and towards the forest. We followed the path from the hospital into the forest. While we were walking, Fluttershy was amazed at all the animals. Squirrels, chipmunks, birds, even a family of raccoons! We kept following the path until I noticed something. I was a shining light, not a regular shining light. Once Fluttershy said goodbye to raccoon family, I walked towards the shining light. Fluttershy looked confused, but followed me. I pushed through one final branch and I saw what looked like a machine or portal.

"There can't be.." I said.

"There can't be what?" Fluttershy asked.

"Another portal.."

"There's a portal?" She whispered.

"I'll explain later..." I walked closer to the machine, and twisted a key that was on the machine. It unlocked something and made the actual portal appear. I looked straight at it, then Fluttershy, "I want to go in."

"What? Are you crazy, Dashie? We could get lost, the portal could be destroyed while we're in!"

"No, no! We'll just go in, explore, then out! Come on, it will be awesome!"

"Fine, but promise me, in and out.."

"I promise." I said, as I outreached my hand. Fluttershy took it, she then took the key I used to turn the portal on for some reason. I didn't let it bother me though, then we went in.


Once we teleported, I felt very dizzy. I managed to pull myself onto my feet. I looked around, everything looked drab and depressed. After taking a quick scan of my surroundings, I realized I was missing something. Fluttershy! I looked around she was no where to be seen. I looked down, she was lying on the ground. Then I had realized, she was in no shape to teleport! She wasn't even in a good enough condition to be outside longer than thirty minutes!

I knelt onto the ground, "Fluttershy, I'm so sorry. Come on, we're going back home, you need rest." I said, as I picked her up. I looked back at the portal, and I felt my heart drop. The portal wasn't active! I tried everything, pressing random buttons, going through it, kicking it! It wasn't turning on.. I felt defeated, I wanted to sit down and accept the fact that we were stuck here. But, I couldn't. I needed to stay positive for Fluttershy's sake. I helped her up and started to walk. I walked until I got to an open road, then I realized that we were in front of my school! It felt the same but different. It looked like the color had been sucked out of it. I decided to walk towards the school, there were posters everywhere. I couldn't tell what they said, until I got closer. The posters had Sunset Shimmer's face on it. There were people guarding the entrance to the school. They had green eyes, like they were brainwashed. Then I realized where Fluttershy and I had ended up. This is what would have happened if Sunset Shimmer wasn't stopped by Twilight and the others...

Hi guys! Did you enjoy the chapter? (sorry, I rushed a little on this) I want to thank everyone for reading and voting on my story! I really appreciate it! I'm tweaking the story line a little so that Fluttershy has no idea about Sunset's past and Equestria. This is the last chapter of this story... but do not worry! Book 2 is coming! Thanks everyone! <3 <3 <3

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