The Games: Part 1

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Fluttershy's POV-

We all started walking towards the door until we were stopped by Principal Cadance. She took half of the crowd outside to set up the race track. I was in the group that got to watch the spelling bee, I know, not that exciting. Anyways, we got to the room that the spelling bee was being held in, the contestants went to the front of the room. I sat down in a chair, then the competition started. The principals chose the word accommodate, Rainbow Dash and Sour Sweet stepped up. "A-c-c-o-m-o-d-a-t-e." Rainbow Dash said in a confused way.

"Incorrect I'm sorry, Sour Sweet your turn." Said Principal Celestia

"A-c-c-o-m-m-o-d-a-t-e." Sour sweet said proudly.

"Correct! One point to Crystal Prep." Said Principal Cadance. The contest continued and Crystal Prep won. Everyone exited the room and headed toward the the auditorium for the equation contest. When we walked in there were 2 chalkboards on the stage with what looked like a very complex equation. The people who were setting up the race came back and we sat down in the chairs that were set up. The contestants went up on the stage, Twilight stepped forward with Sugarcoat. "Ready, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Principal Celestia said. I could hear the sound of the chalk on the board. Twilight's glasses slipping from her nose, Sugarcoat looking stressed until Twilight yelled, "Done!".

"It is... Correct!" Vice Principal Luna shouted.

"I can't believe you failed that Sugarcoat!! Your supposed to be the smart one!" SunnyFlare yelled. I couldn't help but feel bad for Sugarcoat, I could tell she tried her absolute best. Once they got of the stage I walked towards Sugarcoat.

"H-hey, I know you tried your b-best, good j-job." I said, I was extremely nervous about talking to other people. She looked at me then the ground. I think she was deciding whether she should be nice or mean to me. She looked back at the contestants. "Buzz off! It's not your problem, leave me alone!" I teared up a little.

"Yeah leave her alone fluttercry!" Indigo Zap said. I ran out of the auditorium, I couldn't handled it. I felt the hot tears streaming down on my face. Luckily I found the bathroom, went inside a stall and cried my eyes out.

"W-why...couldn't anyone... at C-crystal Prep be nice for once?" I said in between sobs.

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