The Storm

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Fluttershy's POV-

Principal Celestia had just made announcement. We had to stay here over night!? Who will feed Angel?! I started to pace around the music room. "What wrong sugarcube?" AppleJack asked.

"I-it's just that my pet bunny is going to be home alone!"

"Don't worry! I bet your bunny will be just fine!" Rainbow said as she put her arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush, I covered my face with my hair so no one would see. Everyone at Canterlot High was so nice, I was starting thinking about transferring. Right in the middle of my thought Principal Celestia came into the room. "Hello students, I have decided I need a group of people to keep spirit up, will you be able to do that?"

"Yeah, for sure!" Pinkie Pie said. "I'm going to throw the best party EVER!! She shouted excitedly. She ran outside the room to get her party stuff, and the rest of us went to the hall where everyone was sitting. "Hey guys, does anyone need anything?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah! We're hungry!!" They all shouted

"Well there snack bars in the cafeteria, me and Fluttershy could bring some! Rainbow dash said.

"That would work!" Twilight said. Rainbow Dash brought me into the cafeteria, she looked around then hopped behind the counter. "Yes! Found em'. Come on over Fluttershy." I walked through the small gap and grabbed as much as I could, so did Rainbow. I walked out first and Rainbow followed, I'm guessing she dropped a bar, and slipped on it. Less than a second later she was on the floor, bleeding. "Oh my gosh Rainbow!"

"It's ok... I'm fine." She said. I could tell she was trying to be tough about this. No way, I found some napkins to wipe the excess blood. I lent Rainbow a hand, she grabbed it and pulled herself up.

"W-what about the bars?"

"Don't worry about that, I'm going to get you to the nurses office. I could barely manage finding and bringing her to the nurses office. One I found it I opened the door to find that no one was here! I laid Rainbow down on the bed, and scoured the shelves. Yes! I found the antiseptic. I looked over at the nurses desk and found cotton balls. I quickly put some antiseptic and cleaned the gash. I took some more cotton balls, covered the wound and wrapped the bandage around her leg. "T-thanks Fluttershy." She said blushing. "No ones ever taken care of me like that."

"What about your parents?" I asked, confused.

"Well I transferred to CHS to get away from them, and when I was with them I basically had to fend for myself." She said holding back her tears. Without saying anything I hugged her. Rainbow Dash started crying on my shoulder, I hugged her tighter. Once we pulled away, she looked me in the eye, "I've never told that to anyone before... Thank you"

"Your welcome Rainbow." I said with a smile. We went back into the cafeteria and picked up the candy bars, this time Rainbow took only what she could handle. We went back to the hall where the students were, after handing food out someone yelled "I'm Cold!! We want blankets" another joined, they formed a riot! "STOP!! This is a school, we don't have blankets! Unless your cold enough to use a sweaty jacket someone forgot in gym I suggest you deal with it!" Sunset Shimmer yelled. The riot stopped, and everyone sat down. We ended up finding board games in a storage closet and everyone played until they were tired. I sat down hoping to get some sleep, when Rainbow Dash sat down right next to me. "I j-just want to thank you again.. you were a-amazing." She said blushing. "No problem, what are friends for!" I yawned.

"Y-yeah, friends.." Rainbow whispered as I fell asleep, on her shoulder.

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