Our First Date

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Fluttershy's POV-

    When I woke up, I found myself cradled in Rainbow's arms. I gave Rainbow a quick peck on the cheek, then slipped out of her arms. I took a quick shower then went downstairs. It was really early so no one was awake, I took out all the ingredients and whipped up pancakes for me and Rainbow. After the table was set I went upstairs to wake Rainbow dash, I tapped her on the shoulder lightly, "huh? Fluttershy?"

"Hi Rainbow, come down for breakfast! We need to get an early start on the road." I whispered. She slowly got up and followed me down stairs. We enjoyed the pancakes then got on the road.

2 hours passed when Rainbow pulled into her driveway, we walked in and sat on the couch. Since we started early we still had an hour until we needed to get to school. Rainbow dash turned tv on, then we snuggled together. After 30 minutes I looked at the time, "Dashie! We need to get to school!"

"Do we have to?" Rainbow said looking at me, she gently laid me down and pinned me there.

"We can't s-skip school!", Rainbow looked up and down at me, then bit her lip. She gently buried her head between my hair and neck,  slowly kissing it.

"R-Rainbow, this is wrong" I giggled. She then moved up to my ear, "Is it?"

"I-I guess if we skip one day, it's not that bad.", Rainbow then came back to eye level, I pulled her closer so our lips connected, in that moment i knew there is no other person I'd rather be kissing right now. We spent most of the day cuddling. Around 2:30, Rainbow dash stood up. "Come on Fluttershy! I'm taking you on our date!"

"Oh! Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" Rainbow said as she grabbed a blindfold. She walked towards me and put the blindfold on, she then walked me into the car. She turned on the engine and the car started moving.

When we got there Rainbow helped me out of the car, we walked for awhile, I actually was kinda worried for a second. "Fluttershy, you ready?"

"Yeah, I think so?" I said as she took of my blindfold. Immediately I saw nature surrounding me everywhere, there was a beautiful river, cute animals everywhere, flowers everywhere. Ahh!! Rainbow knows me so well!! We took a seat on the grass, birds flew onto my shoulder, "Wow, Dashie... you know me so well!" I said rushing into a hug. Rainbow blushed then pulled out some sandwiches and we ate. I laid my head down on Rainbow's lap, she started playing with my hair, "S-shy, I love you.. so much"

"I love you too Dashie." I said, Rainbow found the prettiest flower and put it beside my ear. "Wow, this is so pretty!"

"Not as pretty as you.." I blushed, it was getting late so we got up and started to head for the car. The path was quite bumpy, and I tripped on a rock. Pain gushed through my ankle as I fell to the ground. "Oh my god! Flutters!" Rainbow said as she bent down and looked my ankle. "Flutters your ankle, don't worry, we will go home and get some ice on it!" She lent me a hand and used her strength to pull me up, she then started to carry me. She walked fast, I looked at her face, her eyes were filled with determination. When we got to the car Rainbow sat me down gently, she quickly jumped into the drivers seat, turned the engine on, then rushed home. When we got back home, Rainbow carried me to the couch, got some ice and placed on my ankle, "Aah this stings!" I said out of pain.

"Don't worry, just get some rest, you'll be fine in the morning!" Rainbow Dash then carried me to bed, "Goodnight Shy, I love you!"

"I love you too Rainbow.."

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