Mistakes: Part 2

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Rainbow Dash's POV-

I knew what I had to do, when you sign up for school you need an emergency contact. There's a slight chance that Fluttershy put her mom or dad as her contact! I rushed back into my car, turned the engine on and drive as fast as I could to Crystal Prep. Once I arrived I busted through the door, gasps all around me. I ran straight to Principal Cadance's office.

"Rainbow dash?"

"Yea, I'm back... Fluttershy's... moms contact!" I said in between gasps for air.

"Oh u-um, ok let me see.." she said as she pulled up Fluttershy's profile, she grabbed a sticky note and wrote something on it. "Here you go. Have a wonderful day!" She said as I ran out. I rushed back into my car again. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed the number, "hello? Who's this?"

"Hi, I'm Fluttershy's girl-, friend, can I talk to her?" Was I a girlfriend to her? To me she is my girlfriend, we've gone through so many obstacles together, I feel like together we can over come anything!

"Sure thing sweetheart! Fluttershy! There's someone on the phone!! They want to talk to you!" She yelled as I backed away from the phone. "Heh, I'm sorry. Seems like she doesn't want to come to the phone."

"That's fine, is it ok if I visit her?"

"Fluttershy can this girl-"

"Wait! Don't tell her! It's a surprise!"

"Oh, sure honey! Can I text the address to this phone number?"

"Yes that would be awesome!"

"Ok dearie, bye!"

"Bye Mrs. Shy!", ding, man she texted fast. I put the address in my gps and pulled out of the parking lot. Wow, this is going to take awhile, what could I do while driving for 2 hours? I put some music on, now this is my type of music! 30 minutes passed, then a hour, then 2.

You've arrived at your destination. I walked towards the door slowly, then knocked. "Fluttershy dear, get the door!" God she was even louder than she was on the phone.. "o-ok mom!" Fluttershy said as she opened the door, "Rainbow?"

"Oh thank God Fluttershy-" I cut myself off as I hugged her. "I'm so so so sorry, I'm really stubborn sometimes, you know that... I really should have listened to your side of the story! I'm so so so sorry! Can you.. ever forgive me?" I rambled, holding back my tears, waiting for a response.

"Oh Rainbow, I'll forgive you... on one condition.." she said not pulling away from the hug.

"What! I'll do anything!" I quickly responded.

"You take me out for our first date!" She said as she pulled away and smiled. Fluttershy was so kind, I thought to myself I don't deserve her, but I am so lucky!

"For sure!" I said. Fluttershy's mom scurried to the door, "Hello sweetheart! Aren't you a dearie to come all the way out her for Fluttershy!"

"It's wasn't a big deal, I'll cross the entire earth for Flutters." I said wrapping my hand around her, she blushed.

Fluttershy and her parents invited me inside, we chatted for hours. "It's really late.. I should get going before it become way too dark.."

"Dearie, you can't drive in the dark! Even if you have headlights! Get some sleep here and get going in the morning!"

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a trouble!" I said.

"No, No trouble at all! It's a pleasure having you here!" Mr. Shy insisted.

"Yeah, you can stay in my room!" Fluttershy smiled.

"O-ok then" I said as I put my hand around my neck and blushed at Fluttershy's response. Fluttershy stood up and told me to follow her. I followed her to her bedroom, it was awesome. She had a paper butterflies hanging from the roof and is was beautiful. "I like your room Flutters!"

"Thanks!", I flopped on her bed and tucked myself in, then Fluttershy came and laid down next to me. "Fluttershy, again, I'm so so so so so sorr-" I was cut off by a pair of lips. Fluttershy caught me off guard, soon I went with the flow. I have to admit, I think I'm in love with her...

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