In the Rain

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Fluttershy's POV-

I started walking away from Sugarcube corner. I heard footsteps behide me, I ignored it. I felt 2 taps on the shoulder, then I was quickly turned around. I was in Rainbow's arms, "Fluttershy, I love you." She said as out foreheads touched, I could feel the fear and pain she had.

"Just please, please don't break my heart.." I pulled her into a kiss.

"I promise, I won't" I whispered.

"Thank you Shy, love you"

"Love you too Dashie.." I started to think about how I had broken up with Sugarcoat, she would for sure kill me. If she doesn't one, or all, of her friends will. I started to whimper, "What's up Shy?" Dashie asked.

"Nothing, it's just that.. I'm going to be humiliated by the girls at school tomorrow.."

"Oh.. no, wait!"


"CHS has a transfer program this week! I can be an exchange student for 1 week, with any school in the state!"

"That means...?"

"I can transfer to Crystal Prep for this week!"

"Oh my gosh! Yes! You'll do it right? Won't you?" I asked.

"Of course, I promised I'd protect you no matter what!" She said pulling me into a hug, "Dashie, your so amazing."

"I know!" she smirked. I looked up at her with my stare, "Ok, ok, thanks Shy."

We went into my car, then we went home. We quickly got dressed, then went to bed. Before we went to sleep, Rainbow emailed Principal Celestia for the temporary transfer. The principal quickly replied with a yes, and I was so glad. We them went to sleep.

When it was morning, the sunlight came through the window, waking me up. I yawned, got up and looked at the time, 7:28. I looked at Rainbow Dash. She was sleeping peacefully, I was deciding if I should wake her up. I then gave her a peck of the cheek, no response. Then I gave her a kiss on the lips, "Good morning, Shy." She giggled.

"Good morning Dashie, we've got to get ready!" I whispered, I pulled out an extra uniform I had and gave it to Rainbow Dash. She got up and started to change, as did I. When we both finished we went downstairs and started to eat cereal, "Excited?" Rainbow asked with cereal in her mouth.

"I guess, I just hope we have so classes together.."

"Don't worry, Principal Cadance is supposed to be very nice, maybe she could give me the same classes!"

"I hope so.." Rainbow gulped her cereal then came and put a hand by my neck, "Hey, I know she will, you've got nothing to worry about." She said. We decided to take Rainbow's car, we got in and Rainbow started driving. It was a far ride because Crystal Prep is in the city. When we got there, I brought Rainbow to Principal Cadance's office, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Rainbow Dash, transfer student for one week."

"Ah, yes. Here's your schedule." She said handing Rainbow a piece of paper. I took a glance at the paper she had most of her classes with me! I gave her a thumbs up, "Thank you Principal Cadance!" We said walking out.

"Ready for class?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" Rainbow replied confidently. We started walking to our first period, Science. When we walked in heads turned, whispered started, "Who's that?" Someone asked.

"Rainbow dash is here?" Another added.

"What's she doing here?" Someone chimed.

I took a look around the classroom, Sugarcoat was there and looked like she had been crying since yesterday. Rainbow and I sat down at our desks, I look a quick look behide me, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sunny flare all gave me the death stare. Then I knew, even with Rainbow here, I wouldn't be safe. Most importantly, she wouldn't be safe.

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