She's gone!

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Rainbow's POV-

It was my last class of the day, P.E. I didn't have it with Fluttershy though. I found the locker room and changed, Indigo zap then came up to me, "Hey Dash.."

"What do you want?" I asked, I was sitting down on a bench and putting my shoes on at the moment.

"I know, I can offer more than that Fluttershy..." She said, kneeling by my side. I was still ignoring her, I knew their tactics now. I finished putting my shoes on and was about to get up when Indigo Zap quickly swerved to sit on my lap, facing me. She came up to my ear, "I know.. I can do way more than her..." she whispered in my ear.

"Just listen... Ohh, Rainbow!" She moaned.

"Cut it out!" I yelled, as I pushed her off my lap, onto the floor. As I was running out of the locker room, I coildn't help but hear Indigo talking with her friends, "Plan A didn't work, time for plan B, text Sunny Flare!", What was plan b? What was she going to do! That's all I could think about during the class.

At the end of class, people changed, and left the locker room. I went over to Indigo Zap, "Can I talk to you.. alone?" I said looking at her friends.

"Yeah! You going to change your mind on my offer, because it's too late!" She said as I walked her over to someone no one would see. As soon as her friends left I grabbed her collar and shoved her against the lockers, "What's plan b?" I said in a threatening manner.

"What? I don't know what your talking about!" She said nervously giggling.

"Tell me!" I said shoving her against the locker even harder.

"Fine! All I'll tell you is that.. it's too late, Fluttershy is gone, she's taken sh taken her already!" She said, patting her collar down. I gave a loud grunt of frustration, and ran outside. Fluttershy was no were in sight. I called her several times, voicemail every single time. I started to get really worried. I called all my friends, the came as soon as possible.

"What's wrong darling, you sounded distressed on the phone!" She asked.

When I told them everything, and I mean everything. They were shocked, "We can't go to the police, it hasn't been 24 hours!" Twilight exclaimed, "But we cant just wait here and do nothing! I'm afraid of what they'll do to her!" I said, holding back my tears.

"Don't worry, we'll find her. But without clues we can't do nuthin'.." Applejack said as she took of her hat, showing that she at least cared a bit.

"Fine then! I'll do it all on my own! I don't your help! Just! Just! Go away!" I yelled out of anger. I sat down on the small steps, "You guys go, I'll help her." Twilight said. She walked up to me, "Rainbow, I'm going to help you find clues, you could use another pair of eyes." She said smiling, "Where was she last?"

"Her history class.."

"Let's ask Principal Cadance for video surveillance! Let's go, she has to be here right?", I got up and we went to the principal's office, "Hello, how may I help you two?" She asked.

"Principal Cadance, our friend Fluttershy has gone missing! We need surveillance!"

"Oh no! Why not just go to the police?"

"It hasn't been 24 hours!" I pitched in.

"Oh, right. Alright, I will pull them up!"

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

I should have been there. I promised her but, I had failed. Oh Fluttershy, where are you?

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