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Rainbow's POV-

I woke up with the sun in my eyes, I looked around. Aww, she's so adorable! I slowly slipped out of bed, took a shower, then woke up Flutters. "Fluttershy... Shy wake up!" I said softly.

"Good...morning..Rainbow" she said in between yawns. I went down stairs and got cereal for both of us, then we ate. "Excited for school?" Shy asked.

"Ehh, it's super boring, I mean I do have a soccer game today so that's fun, what about you?" I asked.

"Nothing I'm looking forward to.."

"Don't worry Shy, I'm here for you!"

"Thanks, oh I got an idea!"


"I'll swing by after school!"

"That's a great idea! Plus all our friends will be there too!" I felt like Fluttershy hadn't seen the gang in forever so it would be cool for her to see them.

"I might be a bit late though, I have to make up my English test.." she said with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

"I bet you'll do great!" I said as we walked out of the door. Fluttershy waved goodbye as she and I both got into our cars. In less than five minutes I was at school, AJ walked up to me, "RD! Hey, what's up!"

"Nothing much you?" Ok maybe that was a lie, a lot was going on.

"Hey is Fluttershy coming to the game?" She asked.

"Yep! She gunna be late though, she has to do a test." I said as me and AJ walked into school together.

When school ended I was relieved, I took a test in last period and I think I totally flunked it. But it was ok, I could channel my anger through sports. I went to my locker to get my soccer gear when Soarin, my ex-boyfriend came up to me.

"Hey Dash!"

"What Soarin?" I said without paying attention to him.

"I wanted to say.. good luck in the game, I'm staying to watch this time" I broke up with him because he never had time for me and my sports but when he had a game, I always had to be there! Possessive much!?

"Thanks, now bye." I said walking off. I went into the girls locker room and changed, then started walking towards to the field. When I came on the field Twilight, AJ, Pinkie, Rarity, and Sunset cheered me on. Three, two, one! The game started. Goal, Goal, GOAL!! CHS won!! Let's go! After talking to my friends I went to go take a shower, Soarin stopped me again...

"Rainbow, just give a second chance! I've changed!"

"No never! I'm with someone now!"

"Yeah yeah.. Fluttercry."

"Don't ever call her that! Anyways how'd you even know!"

"There's a picture of you and Fluttershy making out on Instagram, Sour Sweet posted it." He said

"What! Either way, I'm not getting back together with you"

"You'll regret that!", he had said something under his breath, although I couldn't hear him. I walked towards the girls locker room, until I heard someone yell "wait!"

"I-I'm sorry Fluttershy!" Someone said as I turned around the corner, horrified. Fluttershy was against a locker with Sandalwood, making out. I dropped all my things, wow, I know didn't know Fluttershy for long but I didn't think she was the type of person to do that. The sight shattered my heart, "I guess if we're kissing other people now..!" I looked around, Soarin was the only one there. I grabbed Soarin and pulled him close and kissed him. Damn it was gross, but I have too much pride. "Oh Soarin, your so amazing!" I said walking away, in the corner of my eye I saw Fluttershy with shocked look on her face. As soon as I got out of Flutershy's sight and pushed Soarin. "What Babe?"

"I'm not your babe, your disgusting, lastly, go away!" I said with tears in my eyes. I quickly ran into the locker room, sat there and cried. After an hour long shower, I changed, then stepped out of the locker room to see Soarin sitting on the ground, waiting for me.

"Hey, your still here?" I said sitting down next to him.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to see if your ok.." he put his hand around his neck.

"Oh, thanks" Maybe he has changed after all...

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