I've been Robbed!

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Fluttershy's POV-

"Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment!" I yelled at the figures, they were startled and ran with 2 large bags. Rainbow ran after them, and so did I. After a while, I had followed Rainbow all the way down to the garage. They were gone! "They got in their car and drove away!" She said frustrated.

"It's ok, I'll contact the police." I pulled out my phone and called the police, I told them that I was robbed and in less than 30 minutes they were at my apartment.

"Did you get a look at there faces?" One asked.

"No, I chased em' but they drove off in their car..." Rainbow said in disappointment. I gave Rainbow the, it's ok look. The cops looked around my apartment and I told them all the things I noticed that were missing.

"We can't get CSI here until next week, do you have somewhere to stay until then?" One cop asked.

"Umm.. no not really.." then Rainbow dash put her arm around me, "Yes she does officer! With me!" She said smiling.

"Ok then, you guys get going." We exited the building, right before I got into my car and Rainbow Dash got into hers, she yelled "Yes, we're gunna be roommates! Awesome!", she looked over at me and noticed that I heard her, then she blushed.

When we got to Rainbows' house, we walked up to the door. She pulled out a keychain with so many keys on it, "I'm sorry.. I just need to find the right key."

"No problem!" It started to sprinkle, soon the rain poured down hard.

"Dammit! Oh! I got it! Get in quick!" She yelled. I was drenched, Rainbow was under the roof trying to get the door open during that time. Achoo, Oh shoot. "Fluttershy you need to get dry quick!" She ran somewhere and came back with a towel. I dried myself off, but my clothes were still wet... "Rainbow do you have extra clothes?" I asked shyly. "Yeah, I'll go get it!" She came back with a shirt and a pair of shorts, "Sorry, it's all I have right now..". I went inside the bathroom and changed.
Went I came out of the bathroom Rainbow was sitting on the couch, I sat down right next to here and snuggled up.


"Yeah Dashie?"

"Um, where are we in our relationship, I mean we haven't even gone out on a date yet.."

"O-oh, I guess I hadn't really thought of that, I'm having fun with you right now though! But we can go on a date tomorrow night!" I said at a low voice.

"That would be awesome!" She said as she gave me a kiss on my head. I looked at her, and kissed her passionately. I was excited and happy that we were going to be going out tomorrow, the only thing is that I still have to go to school..

At around 10:30 pm I was super tired, "Rainbow where should sleep?"

"My rooms upstairs and then to the right! I'll meet you there later." I walked upstairs and waved goodbye. When I found her room I laid on the bed, Rainbow came in. She slipped into bed, facing away from me. I put my arms around her, "Rainbow?"

"Yes Flutters?" She said turning around.

"I-I love you." I said as she blushed.

"I love you too Fluttershy" she responded while giving me a goodnight kiss on the forehead. Soon, I fell into a deep sleep, I felt scared about school tomorrow, but with Dashie around I felt safe, most importantly I felt loved.

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