Chapter 27

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          "Sure" Mrs Rin answered after a moment of silence. Dylan walked out the door and held it open for Mrs Rin. They both sat down on chairs across from each other. She found it strange how calm Dylan was being, she knows about his temper so this is a different sight to see.
          "I heard everything you said about me. I don't blame you." Dylan said calmly.
           "I...." was all she could say.
           "I'm not talking to you to scold you if that's what you think." Dylan said, "I do have a temper, but I know how to contain it."
            "I don't know what to say." Mrs Rin said, "Why are you telling me this?"
             "I want to tell you what happened to me and why I act the way I do. It's no excuse, but I want to tell you so you get an idea of my life." Dylan said, "You can ask any question you want. I'll answer truthfully."
              "Okay....can you start from the beginning?" Mrs Rin asked.

- Dylan's story-

Dylan: As I kid, I do not remember my parents even being remotely happy people. By the age of 3 they started leaving me home alone for many hours of the day. I grew the feeling of being comfortable when I was alone. I was only a toddler when I began to understand things that most don't.

Mrs Rin: They really just left you alone like that? Did they feed you?"

Dylan: I mostly had to find food for myself or wait for them to get home. I learned how to do things on my own for the most part. As you could say, I kind of had a life like Matilda from the movie. Once I turned 4 I learned how to use the tv so that's when I began watching movies. Although, my parents got angry with me when I used the tv. They said, "Only good kids get tv. You are nothing but a brat." I believed that. I began trying anything to show them that I was a good kid. Their approval is what I wanted and I'd do anything. Since they left for several hours of the day, I'd clean the house and fix things when they weren't working properly.

Mrs Rin: When you said they would get angry, how angry did the get?

Dylan: I took verbal and physical abuse from them. It got really bad when I turned 5, I began hiding from them. I refused to go back home so I would stay in the ally way of the grocery store. That's where I met Clint for the first time, he brought me back home to play with Damien while he called my parents to bring me back home. He didn't know the situation that I was in so he couldn't have possibly know what happened to me that day.

Mrs Rin: What happened?

Dylan: My parents came to pick me up at Clints house. They put on a smile in front of Clint but once they closed the door, I felt a sensation I didn't want to feel again. My parents had an expression on their face I hadn't seen before. I couldn't see the fury in their face, they looked calm. Like a face people make after they are about to get rid of something that's been bothering them. It was unsettling and I wanted to scream for Clint to let me back inside. As soon as we went down the road that's when I began to do so. They began to hold my mouth to shut me up as people that walked along the road began to stare.

Mrs Rin: How come you didn't do that when you were still on his property?

Dylan: At first, I didn't want him to see what I was going through. I had only just met him. I didn't know him that well, but I idolized him as the perfect parent. "Perfect parents shouldn't have to see stuff like that." I thought before I left out the door. Clint actually smiled at me, which I had never seen. Although, I had never seen any other person besides my parents before.

Mrs Rin: You weren't in school yet?

Dylan: Im a year behind Damien. I didn't go to school until I was 6.

Mrs Rin; okay...continue.

Dylan: Well, I believe after I began screaming for help they brought me to a place out near a shady building or some sort of shop. I can't really remember the name, but if I saw it again, I'd remember.

Mrs Rin: What happened there?

Dylan: It's hard to say, since Clint is the first person I've ever told, I only told him the brief version. But I blacked out after a blunt object hit me in the head. I woke up in a trash bag that was being ripped open. I heard a loud noise which I guess was a garbage truck since it came a lot to my parents home more than any place around town, to this day I don't understand why. But when I saw light through the hole being ripped open, I saw the garbage man who I used to be afraid of because of how scary he looked. He had concern and pain written all over his face. He started crying when he saw me. I'm guessing he knew someone was in there, but didn't expect it to be me. Once the light completely covered me, I saw blood and bruises all over me.

Mrs Rin: oh dear gosh! That's awful. What happened after that?

Dylan: He pulled me out of the bag and his co worker came around to see all the commotion. The man carrying me wouldn't let go, so he brought me with him. I'm guessing my parents weren't home because they didn't come running out. The man that brought me with him took me to the hospital. He stayed by me all the way and refused to leave the hospital. I was no longer afraid of him anymore because I realized that he's different than I previously thought. I thought he was a person to could hurt someone, but I judged him by the way he looked and I realized he was a very nice and soft guy.

Mrs Rin: Are you talking about....Mr mastuda?

Dylan: yeah....Clint and him are the people who I idolize. I idolize Clint as a perfect parent and Mr Mastuda as a hero. I know idolizing puts people on a pedestal but they deserve those titles. I care about them. Clint and Mrs Mastuda are like family. I actually consider you as family as well.

- End of Dylan's story-

            "Me?..." Mrs Rin asked.
            "Yeah, You are honest with me no matter how brutal... We also bicker with each other, which is something that I guess most families do. I know you don't really like me as much, but I think you are cool" Dylan said.
             Mrs Rin smiled sadly, "That's nice to know."

[End of chapter 27]

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