Chapter 24

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There was a knock at the door and Clint walked over to open the door. Once he did he saw Mrs. Rin and the blonde boy. The blonde boy was about an inch or two smaller than Damien. He is thin and has brown eyes.
"Come on in" Clint said as he moved out of their way.
Clint sat down at the kitchen table and said, "You both can sit if you'd like."
"Thank you" Mrs. Rin said.
"Thenk ye." The blonde boy said. (It's a Scottish accent. 😅I'm not every good at typing their accent but I'm trying my best.)
"Your name is Lee, right?" Clint asked.
"Och aye sairrr" Lee said.
"You new around here?" Clint asked.
"Och aye, Ah jist moved intae th' hoose closer tae toon." Lee said.
"Who are your parents?" Clint asked.
"Marcia an' Steve.." Lee said.
"That's cool. Welcome to Cameron." Clint said as he reached out his hand for Lee to shake. Lee shook Clint's hand and smiled.
"It's braw tae be haur (It's nice to be here)." Lee said.
"He's so polite isn't he?" Mrs. Rin cooed.
"I have other family staying here. Would you like to meet them?" Clint asked Lee.
"Och aye sairrr.(Yes sir)" Lee said.
"Damien, Zoey, Dylan and Adeline!" Clint called for them.
"Ur they aw yer bairns? (Are they all your children?)" Lee asked.
"Damien and Zoey are mine. Dylan is Zoeys lover and Adeline is Damiens lover." Clint said.
Damien and the others come down the stairs and see Lee sitting at the kitchen table.
"Awrite (Hello)" Lee said.
"Awrite" Dylan responded back in a perfect Scottish accent, it made Zoey look at him.
"I didn't know you could do that" Zoey whispered.
"Ur ye scottish at aw? (Are you Scottish at all?)" Lee asked Dylan.
"Mah faither is scottish an' mah mammy is american.(My father is Scottish and my mother is American.)" Dylan answered, "My mothers name is Maya and my fathers name is Stefan."
"What are you guys talking about?" Damien asked is a whisper to Dylan.
"He asked me if I was Scottish." Dylan said, "I'm surprised you don't understand it, it's the english language pretty much but in a Scottish accent."
"Whaur ur ye pure frae? (Where are you really from?)" Dylan asked.
"I'm frae haur, but mah parents waur in scootlund fur a while, it was easy tae pick up th' accent frae them. (I'm from here, but my parents were in Scotland for a while, it was easy to pick up the accent from them.)" Lee said. Clint only new a couple key things Lee said from when they first met but that's about it, he didn't have any idea of what Lee was saying.
"Ti si steysi, nali? (You're Stacy right?)" Dylan asked as he switched to Bulgarian.
Lee smiled and answered, "Iznenadan sam, che veche razbra. (I'm surprised you already found out)"
Lee then took a deep breath and said, "Znaesh kakvo shte stane, ako kazhesh na nyakogo. (You know what will happen if you tell anyone)"
"Kakvo ochakvash da nappravya? (What do you expect me to do?" Dylan asked in a little bit of an angered tone.
"Stoy tiho. (Stay quiet)" Lee said with a smile.

[End of chapter 24]

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