Chapter 28

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A day went by and Lee wasn't coming today. Damien and Adeline were working on the bills for the ranch. Clint and Dylan are working with the cattle. Mrs Rin came around once today, but was quiet. Clint thought it was a good thing, but Dylan didn't think it was.
"It's been awfully quiet today." Dylan said.
"Yeah, too quiet."
"Do you think-"
"We shouldn't talk about this here." Clint whispered, "the bugs"
"Oh right." Dylan said.
"We can talk about this at the shop tomorrow." Clint said, "I have to get a hammer and a couple other things."
"Okay" Dylan said as he went back to looking at the cattle.
"What exactly did you say to her yesterday?" Clint asked Dylan.
"I told her what happened to me." Dylan said, "I told her that she is like family to me."
"I don't think telling her that was a good idea." Clint said.
"About what? About what happened?" Dylan asked.
"Telling her that she is like family to you." Clint answered.
"Why? What's wrong with telling her that?" Dylan asked.
"She's uh...not doing so well. She's been closing people off from her, so she doesn't stay attached. You know what's wrong with her don't ya?" Clint asked.
"I don't....what's wrong?" Dylan asked with his face full of concern.
"Shes.... I don't know how to properly say this." Clint said.
"Then just give it to me" Dylan said.
"She's dying Dylan! It's hard to say how long she's going to live. How do you expect me to tell you that?!" Clint shouted.
Dylan dropped to the ground. He asked him to repeat that and Clint did. He still didn't understand what he was hearing.
" one told me.....why?" Dylan asked as Clint bent down to him.
"People grow old Dylan....things like this happen. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset and I assumed you knew." Clint said as he rubbed Dylan's back with his right arm.
"I didn't know...." Dylan said as tears poured out of his face, "Why does everything bad always happen when I'm around?"
"Don't say that" Clint said, "None of this is your fault."
"My parents are assholes because I was born, Mrs Rin didn't like me because of my temper, we saw Stacy at the steakhouse because I wanted steak, and I'm no help to anyone. I couldn't even find or save Zoey myself. I'm just a dead weight!" Dylan cried. Then he got up and ran off. Dylan wasn't normally the type of guy to cry so this was a new thing to Clint.
"Dylan! Get back here!" Clint shouted. He ended up trying to go look for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. Clint walked back inside the house where Damien and Adeline were. They looked at him in concern.
"What's wrong? I heard yelling" Damien said.
"Dylan learned of Mrs Rins secret. He didn't take it well." Clint said, "He ran off and I can't find him. I need some help."
"I'll come with you" Zoey said as she walked down stairs.
"No stay here. I want you to stay with Kain." Clint said.
"Then I'll tell you where he could be." Zoey said.
"That would be great." Clint said.
"Is there anything I can do?" Damien asked.
"Stay here and watch over the girls." Clint said.
"But I should be out there helping you." Damien said.
"We have to be careful Damien know who." Clint said.
"I-I know that! It's just. You can't look for him by yourself." Damien said.
"I most certainly can. Watch me" Clint said, "I'll be back. If I'm not back in an hour than you can do something about it."
"Alright, keep us posted." Damien said as Clint walked out the door.
"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Adeline asked.
"I hope so." Damien said, "I just wish I could help. Ya know?"
"I get it. I wish I could help as well." Adeline said, "I don't want to see him upset."
"I know how you guys can help." Zoey said, "I set up a tracker on dads phone. Just incase he goes missing or gets into a fight and can't move."
"Can we watch the tracker?" Damien asked.
"Yeah, you guys can do that while I tell dad the different places where Dylan could be." Zoey said.
"Good idea Zoey" Adeline said with a smile.
"Thanks, I'll be right back. I have to go check on Kain." Zoey said as she walked up the stairs. Damien took a deep breath.
"Don't worry. I'm sure your dad will find him" Adeline said with a comforting smile. Damien smiled and hugged her.
"Thanks princess" Damien said.

A couple seconds later Zoey comes running down the stairs in a panic and said, "Kain is not in my room!"
"What do you mean?" Damien asked.
Zoey then yelled, "He's missing! I can't find him!"

[End of chapter 28]

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