Chapter 30

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"Clint?" Dylan called out while still trying to stay quiet. He heard something fall and he ran over to where it was. Clint was laying on the ground passed out.
"Clint? Wake up" Dylan said. When he didn't answer Dylan began smacking him in the face.
"It's me Dylan! Wake up!" Dylan shouted. Then he slapped Clint real hard which caused him to wake up.
"Dylan?" Clint said as he sat up.
"Shut up we don't have much time!" Dylan said as he tried pulling Clint up off the ground.
"What's wrong?" Clint asked.
"Its Stacy....she's going after Adeline and Damien." Dylan said, "She almost hurt Kain, but I got him. You need to save them."
"You're bleeding." Clint said as he saw blood drip from Dylan's head.
"Get the fuck up!" Dylan demanded.
Clint stood up and said, "They are at the house. Come with me, we can take her down together."
"Alright, but we need to hurry." Dylan said.
They started running as fast as they could. It was almost sunrise.

*with Damien, Adeline, and Zoey*

"I looked everywhere. Are you sure he's not in his room?" Damien asked.
"I'm 1000% sure!" Zoey shouted.
"You guys continue looking for him here. I'm going to go find Clint and Dylan. Maybe they saw him." Damien said.
"Dylan might have him." Zoey said, "Just make sure they are all ok."
"I will, I'll be back. Protect each other." Damien said, "Just incase it has something to do with Stacy."
"Will do" Adeline said. Then Damien ran out the door and began to search for the others.
"This is so scary." Adeline said, "The most real danger I've ever been in was when my parents got mad at me."
"Damien wouldn't let anything happen to you." Zoey said, "He's a good guy and he will protect you and so will I."
"Thanks for keeping me calm through this." Adeline said, "And please don't leave the room."
"I wouldn't leave you in a room by yourself." Zoey said as they sat on the couch together, "If it has something to do with Stacy, I won't leave you out of my sight."
Adeline nodded her head and relaxed on the couch for a moment. Everything seemed okay until cried started coming from outside the house. It was a baby's cry which made Zoey stand up.
"Could it be Kain?" Adeline asked.
"I think it's him. I'm going to go check." Zoey said, "Stay behind me."
Zoey checked through the window and saw Damien and the others. Kain was there as happy as can be. Zoey ran outside and picked Kain up. Adeline stayed inside the house, all alone.
"Hello Adeline." Someone said behind her.
Adeline turned around and saw Stacy. She then began to run to find an exit. Stacy blocked her and the only other door that was available was the attic door. She took her chance and ran up the attic stairs and tried to close the door behind her. Stacy pushed her way in and closed it behind her.
"I'm not here to hurt you Adeline. I just want to talk. I just needed them away from you." Stacy said. She was still in her masculine disguise.
"I don't trust you" Adeline said as she walked towards the big window that faced the same way at the porch where the others were.
"I don't care. I just needed to get you away from them to save you." Stacy said.
"Save me?" Adeline asked in disbelief.
"They are dangerous" Stacy said, "I had to save you before it was too late. I know this sounds hard to believe, but they are cannibals."
"Cannibals? They can't be." Adeline said.
"You are so gullible, how could you believe them? Everything they said to you was a lie. They never cared about you. They almost had me believe them when I was Damiens girlfriend." Stacy said as she sat down on the floor.
"I've heard that you two dated." Adeline said.
"I was supposed to be their next victim. Damien had many girlfriends. That's how they get food. Damiens girlfriends are his victims. I was almost killed by them." Stacy said.
"Damien couldn't possibly do that. He loves me. He calls me-"
"Princess?" Stacy asked, "He used to call me that too...."
"That can't be true....we have a baby on the way." Adeline said.
"That's just bonus food for him. Like a kinder egg. Food with a surprise inside." Stacy said, "They were actually planning on killing you the night you made the baby."
"How do you know that?!" Adeline snapped as she backed up to where she was touching the window.
"Their plan was to make you drunk, dance a while and make you tired. Then take you back to the house and into the barn where all of their tools were. I'm sure you know what would happen next, but things didn't go as plan so Damien used his backup plan. Which was make you pregnant so that there would be more." Stacy said, "That family is sick."
"They've never lied to me. You are wrong" Adeline said.
"And what if I'm not?" Stacy asked.
"I...." Adeline said. That's all she could say, she didn't know if Stacy was right. Then a flash back crossed her mind.


         Adelines parents began to scold her for being pregnant. They called her so many things and even hit her.
         She ran out of the house and down the road in the rain. She called Damien and he talked to her.
         "Can you stay on the phone with me?" Adeline asked.
         "Of course princess. You should see my truck at any moment." Damien said calmingly.
Once he got there he got out of the truck and saw that she was covered in mud. Adeline and Damien hugged event though she was covered in mud.
          "It's okay princess." Damien said.
*End of flashback*

           Adeline started to tear up. She didn't know why she was crying, but she just let it all out. Stacy walked over to her and rubbed her back. Adeline felt trapped. She felt in danger by being there. She opened her eyes a little and saw the attic door open a little. She met eyes with Dylan. He put his finger over his lips and snuck into the attic.
           "You have nothing to fear. I'm here. I'll protect you from them." Stacy said.
           "I....just want this to be over." Adeline said, "I'll leave this place. Just go away Stacy"
           "I'm not leaving yet." Stacy said as she pushed something up against Adelines back. It was sharp.
           "I don't want to die." Adeline cried.
           "It will all be over soon." Stacy said.
           "And it will end with you in jail!" Dylan said as he grabbed Stacy. They both began fighting violently.
            "They are all dangerous Adeline!" Stacy shouted mid fight.
            "Don't listen to her! Damien loves you! I've never seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you! I've known him almost my whole life!" Dylan shouted, "I remember him saying stuff about proposing to you. He's only known you for a short while and I've never seen I'm so sure of something."
            "He did propose to me....." Adeline said, "But how can I trust any of you?"
            "Clint is good at telling when people are lying. He thinks of you as a daughter. He cares about you! He only hugs people he cares about! You don't have to believe me! Just get out of here and away from danger!" Dylan said.
            "Don't listen to him!" Stacy said.
            "I...I trust you Dylan." Adeline said, "But I can't leave you here."
            In a spit second Stacy was on top of Dylan and her knife was right over his chest, but he held a firm grip. He kept her from plunging it in him, but he didn't know how long he would be able to hold it.
           "Just go!" Dylan said, "Leave me here."
           "No!" Adeline shouted. She then grabbed a long object and hit Stacy with it. Stacy fell and Dylan went after the knife that fell. Dylan slid it over to Adeline. She then grabbed it and threw it out the window.
             "Adeline!" Damien shouted from outside, "I'm coming to get you! Just hang on a little longer! I promise you'll be safe!"
             "Dylan needs help!" Adeline shouted.
             "I'll get Dylan and Damien will get you!" Clint said. Both Clint and Damien ran into the house. A couple second went by and they busted into the attic where Stacy was choking Dylan out.
             Clint pulled Stacy off of Dylan. A big mark was now on Dylan's throat. Sirens were heard in the distance.
             "Princess!" Damien said as he ran over to Adeline and pulled her into a hug.
            "I was so scared." Adeline said, "She held a knife to my back."
            "Don't worry, she's going to prison and will be gone for a long time." Damien said.
            "I wanna get married sooner." Adeline said.
            "Woah, princess...we still have to sort all of this out. I promise we will get married." Damien said.
            "Promise me that we will get married and have lots of children. Like five kids." Adeline said as she hugged Damien tighter.
             Damien blushes and said, "F-five?"
             "Yes" Adeline said.
             Damien picked her up bridal style and said, "We can work on that right after the baby is born."
             "You better keep that promise." Adeline said with a smile.
             "I wouldn't break it for anything." Damien said as he did an rolling eyebrow dance. (I don't know what they are called. Don't roast me for it. (。・ω・。) )

[End of chapter 30]

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