Chapter 15:

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I slightly wake up from a light tapping on my shoulder, "Kinsley" a soft whisper wakes me up fully.

I turn my head back to face the person rudely awaking me from my peaceful slumber.

My vision is slightly blurry from having just woken up, but threw the blurriness I could see the bright blue eyes.

"What do you wAnt?" I ask hoarsely, my voice cracking, "what do you wAnt" Soda's impersonation of me mocks my voice crack.

 "Glad to see your in a better mood, am I able to slap you now?" I ask Soda, who seems to be doing better from last nights crying session on the couch.

"Listen, Pony, Soda and I are going on a little brother get away, Dally is here, you will be staying with him tonight" Darry says.

"Okay, whatever, go away, I'm tired" I groan as I turn my head back into my soft comfy pillow.

I could hear their footsteps get farther away from my bed, and before they could get too far, I turn my head back around, "have Fun!" I attempt to yell, my voice cracking again, "have Fun", this time it was Pony's turn to mock me.

I roll my eyes and shut them, trying to fall back asleep.


It's useless. 

There's no way I'm going back to bed after being woken up.

Besides the light it to bright, and it's getting too hot under the comfortable covers.

I groan in annoyance and throw the covers away from my body (you had no idea how badly I wanted to say "I yeet the covers away").

I take a deep breath and look around the room, feeling a bit more lively.

I change into some homey clothes and head out my bedroom door.

I walk past Dally sitting on the couch watching TV and into the kitchen to get some water.

"Can you get me a beer?" I hear him ask from the living room.

I furrow my eyebrows, and look at the time on the stove, "it's 9:30" I tell him, "so?" he responds, "pm" I add, furrowing my brows even more, "sooo?" he responds again.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the fridge, grabbing the jug of orange juice, and poor some in a glass.

I walk back over to Dallas, and hand him the glass, "so drink some orange juice" I tell him while sitting beside him on the couch.

"You're already getting under my nerves, I can't believe I said I would watch over you" he says shaking his head, placing the glass of OJ on the counter.

"You don't have too, I'll be fine on my own" I tell him taking the remote from beside him, switching the channel.

He eyes me, "I might have to, having the audacity of taking the remote while I was watching TV" he says.

"Wow, Dallas Winston knows what audacity means, I'm honestly impressed" I tell him while changing the channel back to what he was watching before, tossing the remote back to him.

He takes the remote and crosses his arms with it still in his hands to protect it.

"Drink the orange juice, it's good for you" I tell him, while leaning back into the back of the couch.

Instead of reaching over to grab the glass filled with cold delicious orange juice, he digs into his jean jacket pocket and pulls out a cancer stick along with a match, lighting it.

He takes a deep inhale of the smoke, and then let's it go, the smell roaming around the living room.

"Or kill your insides more" I say.

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