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So ya'll might be wondering where I have been, and no I have not locked myself out of my account again, I have learned from my mistakes and will not be doing that again.

Instead I have been being bullied by homework.

As most of you may know Ontario's schooling has changed to where we now have only 2 classes for like 2 months and those periods have been extended.

Well in our classes we are now learning two things in a day, and getting double homework from each of those classes with less days to finish.

I am not motivated at all right now, for school or anything so this has been really tough.

I just want to let ya'll know so that you're not surprised if I'm not updating as much as I was before.

Honestly I wish I could, but I'm not even kidding I am working on homework from the time I get home till I go to bed at night, only breaking when it's time to eat.

I'm not going to have a writing plan like I normally do, I'm just going to write whenever I feel like it or get the chance.

I hope ya'll don't mind, and I am so sorry! I hope school is going better for you!

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