Chapter 32: The morning after

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"Good morning sunshine. How did you sleep? Never mind I don't actually care to find out".

Banging at the bars of the prison cell Isaac was rotting in, he groaned in his little dark corner like a troll.

I at times could be the most annoying person. It was a hobby of mine, annoying people.

"I have some food for you".

Isaac had now gone 3 days without food and barely any water.

Isaac instantly shot up and walked over to the bowl that I had slid under a little door at the bottom of his cell.

I couldn't help but smirk as he grabbed the bowl of porridge I had the pleasure of making myself and watched as he devoured it down almost without breathing.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you that I spat in it once. Twice. Possibly three times but I can't remember".

Isaac growled lowly and threw the empty bowl back at me.

"You've always been a little bitch Brooke".

"It's actually Beta to you".

Isaac jumped up and rushed to the bars trying to reach out and grab me. Rage was burning in his eyes as he realised that his title had been passed to me.

"Wow, Warrick is even more stupid than I thought. No woman could do a good job as a beta. The pack is officially screwed now" he laughed aloud as he shook his head.

"I beg your pardon?".

Warrick walked into the prison wearing his neat suit and his head held high.

Isaac's eyes widened as Warrick walked towards him staring at him with pure hatred.

"Have you finally come to your senses? You going to tell me the truth about who your loyalties lie with?".

Isaac stared at the ground frowning at the cold dirty concrete.

"You were supposed to stay there forever".

Warrick closed his eyes and let out a very dark and menacing laugh that made me feel nervous. I had only ever seen him being playful and sweet with Eliza, but I knew he had a very dark side of him when people double crossed him. Isaac was going to have a very unfortunate fate.

"So you are working with my mate's father?".

"I wanted to be Alpha and he offered me that. Everything was fine when you were locked away" he spat as he stared at Warrick with hatred.

"Thank you Isaac, that's all I needed to know. You see, I'm actually over the fact that you betrayed me. But what angers me more is the fact that you touched my mate. You laid your hands on my woman. You don't ever lay a hand on a woman. But don't worry Isaac, you won't ever see the light of day again. You're going to stay here in this cell and rot very very slowly. Anyway, I just wanted confirmation of your betrayal and you gave it to me. Now, I wish to go back home and be with my fiancée".

Isaac's eyes widened and grabbed at the bars.

"LET ME OUT. I SWEAR I'LL JUST LEAVE AND NEVER BOTHER YOU AGAIN" Isaac screamed out as he tried to reach out for Warrick, but Warrick simply started walking the other way.

"Like you think he's stupid enough to do that. Who's the little bitch now?" I winked before following after Warrick who had now left the prison.

Breathing in the fresh crisp morning air, I walked away from the prison and walked towards Warrick who was holding his head in his hands.

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