Chapter 21: A beautiful meeting

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"Right, I want you to lay down on the sofa and rest your head on the pillow. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. It will be overwhelming and it might seem scary, but we are all going to be right here. Rezso will be laying down right beside you".

I looked at my mum with tears welling up in my eyes. I was so nervous as to what was going to happen. I was still overwhelmed from everything that had happened but this had to be done.

"It's going to be alright baby. It's going to be such a beautiful moment between you two, I promise. Don't be afraid. You have nothing to be scared of sweetheart".

She stroked away my tears and cupped my face. I could see her own eyes beginning to water as she reassured me with her touch and her words.

"Okay. You'll be right beside me right Rez?".

Rez was another nickname I had given for my supposed mate. But kitten would always be my favourite for him. 

My beautiful strong wolf nodded slowly before nuzzling his nose on mine.

Looking back at the doctor, I walked over to the long sofa and laid myself down on it. I wished Brooke could be here with me, but she needed to fully recover through whatever trauma my father had put her through. 

Resting my head against the pillow, I stared up at the ceiling listening to everyone else shuffle around. The doctor had dragged a chair so he sat next to me and Rezso sat down next to me and nudged my hand so it rested on his head. With Rezso by my side, I knew I'd be okay.

"I want you to close your eyes and begin to take deep breaths at a slow and steady pace".

Obeying what the doctor had said I let my eyes fall shut and let my body fall into a state of peace. The doctor had a gentle and soothing voice as he continued to speak. All was silent except his voice and the repetitive sound of the grand clock ticking. 

"Eliza, I want you to imagine yourself in the most serene, beautiful green forest. You can feel the earth beneath your bare feet as your hands brush against the hard oak tree trunks whilst you walk. Imagine the beautiful mist that seeps through the trees like a never ending trail. Let yourself fall into the depths of it's beauty. Eliza, I want you to let go of your body and fall into nothingness".

At his words, I felt my body surrender to the peace and let go completely. I had no control over my body. A part of me was scared how quickly I let go of my own body, but I felt a wave peace wash over me and I knew I was in safe hands. Surrounded by darkness, but at peace and not afraid.

The doctor was still talking to me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. All that could be heard was the murmur of his voice, but the sound of the clock ticking grew louder and louder and then, it just stopped.

Complete silence.

No sound could be heard. I went to open my eyes to see if they were still there, but instead of waking up to Rezso and everyone else, I was alone in the middle of a green beautiful forest.

Everything seemed clearer. My vision was sharper and I could see the tiniest detail in the far distance.

Everything felt right. It was as if my senses had heightened to new lengths. I had never felt so free as this moment right here. How is this possible. 

As I looked around, I realised I was completely alone in this beautiful forest. My eyes fell down to the ground and I realised that I no longer had feet. Instead I had grey paws. So it's true. I am a wolf. This is my wolf. But I didn't feel like a wolf. I still had human thoughts.

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