Chapter 36: There's hope

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"How is he?".

Stefano pulled away from him and turned around from the silver table where he lay on with wires coming out of him.

"All the work they did to get rid of the drug was useless, his body has reacted to it straight away. How's the new drug coming on? I've heard whispers of your new plans for him".

Patting my finest doctor on the shoulder, I looked behind him and smiled seeing the supposed powerful alpha king lying helplessly on the table completely unaware of what was happening.

"That's fantastic news. And the drug is taking a long time to make, but we will get there. With our new location and increased defense, it would take a long time for someone as weak as Eliza to come and get him. Besides, there's been some new information brought to my attention about Eliza".

Stefano raised a brow as he filled up a small syringe with the same drug we had to inject Warrick with hourly.

"Care to spill?".

"Isaac mind linked me to tell me that my sweet daughter is pregnant with Warrick's baby".

"No way! Congratulations, you're going to be a Granddad".

Throwing the hard book I was holding at the stupid man, he quickly dodged the incoming book and looked back at me flabbergasted.

"What was that for?".

"Are you honestly congratulating me on having a grandchild? You stupid fuck. May I remind you who the father is. They have joined the blood line and now an heir is on the way. Another person I'll have to kill".

Stefano's eyes widened and looked down at the ground in horror.

"You're going to kill an innocent baby?".

"It's not just an innocent baby, it's their baby, Warrick's baby. They will eventually grow to become the Alpha or Luna. Besides, what makes you shocked about me killing a baby. I've killed countless innocent children to send messages to other packs".

Stefano looked back at Warrick and sighed heavily. 

Stefano was loyal, but he didn't particularly like all the killings and bloodshed, but he was excellent in the testing department.

"I, I understand" he muttered before continuing with his work.

"I haven't decided on what to do just yet. I could kill Eliza along with her baby. Or wait for her to give birth and then attack".

Suddenly a sick and very twisted idea came into mind.

I had some of the best scientists and researchers working for me. I created the drug that was used to imprison Warrick for years. Perhaps, there was a better way to destroy Warrick and Eliza.

"What are you thinking Alpha? You've got that crazy look in your eye".

Walking over to my cabinets full of different chemicals and medicines, I couldn't help but let out a very dark laugh. I could feel Stefano's fear radiating off him at my dark demeanour.

"I'm not going to be the one to kill their baby. No, there's only one person that's going to do it. And that person is Alpha Warrick".



I had transformed as I reached our little private woodland cottage and changed into some spare pair of clothes before hurrying out. I didn't want to spend any time there as the pain of being without Warrick was too much.

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